Cathedral View Cottage, Canterbury
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3 camere
1 bagno
6 ospiti
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Casa vacanza
Animali non ammessiAdatto ai bambiniNon è permesso fumare
3 letti matrimoniali
1 bagno completo
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david w
1 contributo
No toilet paper.
Bed not made - no sheets.
No oil for cooking.
Stained carpets and soft covered chairs.
Appear to be dirty towels in cupboard.
Washing machine that wouldn’t stop.
Frayed carpets.
Basically tired, poorly serviced and rather disappointing.
Had to endure the noisy drunks leaving to local pubs Fri and Sat evenings and urinating in lane.
Woodworm in ceiling beams.
Blinds broken.
But location great.
Visita a dicembre 2023
Scritta in data 17 gennaio 2024. Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.

genie r
San Francisco, CA4 contributi
Stay away!!
Do yourself a favor and don’t book this place. We originally booked it through another website, paid our deposit and then discovered a few months later that it was no longer listed on the website but was on TripAdvisor. I was finally able to contact the owner and confirm I had dates reserved( I was concerned since they were open on the TripAdvisor site). As our date became closer we decided to cancel because we had gotten no information from the owner. Instead of cancelling and refunding, the owner stated the property wasn’t available. So we are out our deposit even with trying to cancel well in advance. None of this is the fault of TripAdvisor at all.
Visita a novembre 2018
Scritta in data 27 novembre 2018. Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.

This problem only arose due to an error in the synchronisation of dates within certain calendars.
The guest was concerned that having booked it through one site it was still showing as available on another.
I assured them that as I had overall control of the master calendar and the property itself it was only a synchronisation issue and their booking was ok.
Scritta in data 19 febbraio 2019. Questa risposta rappresenta l'opinione personale del rappresentante della struttura e non di Tripadvisor LLC.
1-2 di 2 risultati mostrati
Cosa offre questa casa vacanza
Servizi all'interno
- Accesso a Internet
- TV via cavo
Wi-Fi e internet
- Wi-Fi
Servizi all'aperto
- Cortile privato
Informazioni sulla località
- Adatto ai bambini
Come arrivarci
Aeroporto di Londra Heathrow
108.9 km
Lydd Intl Airport
38.2 km
Mr Falafel Canterbury
4 min
Notorious BRG Canterbury
5 min
Lily's Social Kitchen
2 min
Mezze Bar & Grill
4 min
Escape In The Towers
4 min • Giochi di fuga
Houdini's Magic Bar
2 min • Bar e club
Annie Designs - Silver Ring Workshops
5 min • Laboratori di pittura e ceramica
Canterbury Cathedral - World Heritage Site
2 min • Chiese e cattedrali
Informazioni su questa struttura
- Per prima cosa, controlla la scheda Disponibilità in questa pagina per verificare se le date desiderate sono disponibili. Se lo sono, contatta il proprietario tramite la casella di posta per le case vacanza di Tripadvisor per confermare la disponibilità.
- If the owner has provided contact information, you may contact him or her directly. If not, you can contact the owner via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox. This inbox is created after you send your first message or booking request to the owner
- You can send another message via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox to check if the property is still available. If the owner has listed a phone number, you can also call to follow up. send inquiries to other properties. If you still don't hear from the owner, Tripadvisor recommends that you send inquiries to other properties.
- If the owner approves your stay, he or she will let you know which forms of payment are accepted. This owner does not currently accept payments via the Tripadvisor inbox.
Questa struttura è affiliata a
Tutte le prenotazioni avvengono direttamente con il proprietario
Struttura #HL2227645416