Sea Rie-Treat
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3 camere
2 bagni
11 ospiti
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Il soggiorno minimo per questa struttura può variare in base alle date selezionate
Casa vacanza
"Sea Rie-Treat" is a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom oceanfront home located in North Topsail Beach, Topsail Island.
Upon entry into the home, you will find a quaint foyer with stairs leading up to the first level with two of the three bedrooms. The first bedroom is streetside and provides a Twin over Twin Bunkbed with a Twin over Double Bunkbed. This bedroom also offers a television with gaming system and games for rainy day entertainment! A shared full bathroom is located in the hallway next to the second bedroom. The second bedroom is oceanside and provides a King bed and Twin Daybed with Twin Trundle. This bedroom also offers a television and access to the oceanfront deck.
Head upstairs to the second floor with an open concept living room, dining room, and kitchen. Gorgeous views of the Atla...
Animali non ammessiAdatto ai bambiniNon è permesso fumare
2 tipi sconosciuti
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Cosa offre questa casa vacanza
Cucina e sala da pranzo
- Stufa
- Forno a microonde
- Frigorifero
- Tostapane
Viste panoramiche
- Viste fronte acqua
Servizi all'aperto
- Balcone
- Terrazza
- Ponte
Wi-Fi e internet
- Wi-Fi
Servizi all'interno
- Accesso a Internet
- Aria condizionata
Informazioni sulla località
- Adatto ai bambini
Bagno e lavanderia
- Lavatrice
- TV
Come arrivarci
Aeroporto Internazionale di Piedmont Triad
293.9 km
Albert J Ellis Airport
41.8 km
Riverview Cafe
5.3 km
Splash by the Sea
5.7 km
Ocean's Edge Restaurant & Event Center
15 min
Seaview Fishing Pier & Restaurant
5.3 km
Thurston Art Gallery
4.9 km • Gallerie d'arte
Fat Turtle Market & Tiki Bar
8 min • Bar e club
North Topsail Beach Town Park
6.9 km • Parchi
Tiki Bar/ VooDoo Lounge
4.7 km • Bar e club
Informazioni su questa struttura
- Per prima cosa, controlla la scheda Disponibilità in questa pagina per verificare se le date desiderate sono disponibili. Se lo sono, contatta il proprietario tramite la casella di posta per le case vacanza di Tripadvisor per confermare la disponibilità.
- If the owner has provided contact information, you may contact him or her directly. If not, you can contact the owner via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox. This inbox is created after you send your first message or booking request to the owner
- You can send another message via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox to check if the property is still available. If the owner has listed a phone number, you can also call to follow up. send inquiries to other properties. If you still don't hear from the owner, Tripadvisor recommends that you send inquiries to other properties.
- Se il proprietario conferma il soggiorno, ti contatterà per rendere noti i metodi di pagamento accettati. Al momento questo proprietario non accetta pagamenti tramite la casella di posta di Tripadvisor. Puoi chiedergli di registrarsi. I pagamenti effettuati tramite la casella di posta per le case vacanza di Tripadvisor sono coperti dalla nostra Protezione del pagamento.
- If you would like payment protection, ask the owner to sign up to accept online payments on Tripadvisor. Payments made via the Tripadvisor Rental Inbox are covered by our Payment Protection.
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Struttura #FKN22213269079