Tripadvisor Spotlight
Spotlight consente alle strutture ricettive di anticipare la concorrenza prendendo decisioni più oculate sulla distribuzione e sul fatturato.
Analisi approfondite del mercato
Global Market Insight: OTA Insight Guest Blog Post
Global Market Insight: OTA Insight Guest Blog PostTrack worldwide recovery and spot the earliest signs of traveler demandThe extraordinary travel disruption caused by COVID-19 has ushered in never before seen challenges for the hospitality industry. Hoteliers across...
Thailand Hotel Market Report
Thailand Hotel Market ReportWith a greater emphasis on vaccine rollouts and immunization campaigns, consumer sentiment strengthens and Pattaya, Thailand is experiencing a strong uplift in leisure demand.Travel searches are influenced by the vaccine rollout and easing...
Chicago Hotel Market Report
Chicago Hotel Market ReportChicago is the latest American city to announce a full reopening, removing restrictions that have hampered both travel and business. Additionally, major events like Lollapalooza are returning to the city.Mask requirements now eased for...
Greece Hotel Market Report
Greece Hotel Market ReportIs your 2021 summer season picking up as travel is heading towards its long awaited recovery?As vaccinations increase and travel restrictions are gradually lifted, Greece is the most-booked European destination for this summer as per Forbes....
Germany Hotel Market Report
Germany Hotel Market ReportWith increasing certainty around hotels re-opening in Germany, hotel searches see an increase while search lead times decrease.Hotels in Germany are finally allowed to re-open. Following decreasing COVID cases, several German states have...
Austria Hotel Market Report
Austria Hotel Market ReportHotel and flight searches for Vienna and Salzburg increase drastically after ‘Green-Pass’ and quarantine free travel from Germany are announced.Positive news for the Austrian hospitality industry The re-opening of the hospitality industry on...
Jakarta, Indonesia, Hotel Market Report
Jakarta, Indonesia, Hotel Market ReportFollowing the Eid holiday, Jakarta is experiencing an uptick in last minute demand.Jakarta has seen an increase in last minute demand after the Eid holiday period. Bandung and Yogyakarta have yet to show similar positive...
Lisbon, Portugal, Hotel Market Report
Lisbon, Portugal, Hotel Market ReportWith three recent announcements — the end of COVID-19 state of emergency, Portugal added to the UK green list and the Champions League Final moving to Porto — Portuguese hotels can expect an increase in international...
Hong Kong & Singapore, Hotel Market Report
Hong Kong & Singapore Hotel Market Report Is the second time the charm? On May 26th, 2021, the Singapore-Hong Kong bubble is set to launch — this time with stricter requirements for visiting travelers.Singapore-Hong Kong: Air Travel Bubble (ATB) - Timeline Nov 22,...