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Casks, stills and fermentation tanks, you'll get an opportunity to tour an actual working distillery and learn how we make your favourite spirits! - Foto di Loch Measc Distillery, Tourmakeady

Foto di : Casks, stills and fermentation tanks, you'll get an opportunity to tour an actual working distillery and learn how we make your favourite spirits!

Casks, stills and fermentation tanks, you'll get an opportunity to tour an actual working distillery and learn how we make your favourite spirits!
Casks, stills and fermentation tanks, you'll get an opportunity to tour an actual working distillery and learn how we make your favourite spirits!
Drioglann  - Loch Measc Distillery
We spell our vodca with a C. That's the spelling for vodka in the Irish language. Made using the finest grains and using only the purest waters from Lough Mask.
The scenic view of Lough Mask
Our gin is inspired by the wild juniper berries that grow around the Lough Mask area. A juniper led gin that that is packed with flavour and leaves you with a taste of the wild Irish countryside.

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