Thistledown Ranch Bed & Breakfast
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Thistledown Ranch Bed & Breakfast

21 Holmes Road, Lone Butte, Columbia Britannica V0K 1X0 Canada
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N. 4 di 4 Bed & Breakfast a Lone Butte
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21 Holmes Road, Lone Butte, Columbia Britannica V0K 1X0 Canada
Come arrivarci
Aeroporto Internazionale di Vancouver
1 ristorante
entro 10 chilometri

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McBur ha scritto una recensione giu 2007
Northeast, England
Punteggio 1,0 su 5
We booked 2 nights in May 2007 at this ranch/b&b, hoping to break the trip down between Whistler and Valemount. The web-site was very appealing, and the promise of 'furry friends' on the web-site such as horses, dogs, sheep, cows, hens also attracted us as we are animal lovers.

I'm afraid this property didn't live up to expectations in the slightest. Yes, we were greeted by 3 dogs (albeit a bit too lively), and the owner, Nancy, appeared some two to three minutes after we'd arrived. There were 2 old goats in view, but I'm afraid that was it on the animal front. Nancy kept us talking for about 20 minutes outside, until eventually we asked to see the room. Once we entered the property, we realised why she'd been delaying this moment.

Now, we don't have massively high expectations when travelling, but we do expect some level of cleanliness. I'm afraid this wasn't evident here, perhaps given away by the fact that the dogs followed us up the 2 flights of stairs into the room we were shown. The bedding looked as though the beds had literally just been made, and it wasn't clean, with some very dubious stains. The 'balcony' we were shown wasn't the one on the web-site, and smelt of what can only be likened to dog urine. The toilet/shower shown to us was clearly shared with the owner and her boyfriend, as was the communal TV area. And, to be perfectly honest, the general smell of the place and the level of dust on the breakfast table would have put us off eating.

We made some excuses about going back into town for some beer, got into the car, and got back on the road, putting a lot of distance between us and this horrible, terrible experience.

In the end we found a motel in Clearwater (the one by the lake) which was very pleasant and can be highly recommended if you're on the road.
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CanadaColumbia BritannicaCaribooLone Butte
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THISTLEDOWN RANCH BED & BREAKFAST B&B (Lone Butte, Canada): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025

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Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a Thistledown Ranch Bed & Breakfast?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono Cariboo Consignment and Crafts (5,0 km).