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Villa Abela and Inn Rooms to Let
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Abela 8400 Grecia
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We stayed at Villa Abela with our two teenage daughters, their two friends and our ten year old son. It is an amazing house with many different terraces and places to sit out side, the best being a balcony with sofa and chairs and a view to the sea below. The main living space is a huge open plan sitting room/kitchen/dining room with a beautiful picture window looking out through the treetops to the sea.
The rooms suited us fine but we could have done with another bathroom as there were seven of us sharing the only one that there is. Beds were comfortable and all rooms were air conditioned.
The kitchen is fantastically well equipped and is a pleasure to work in. We even had a dinner party for sixteen local friends on the large terrace and had no problem finding enough plates, cutlery etc. There is a fantastic built in stone barbecue, which we used to cook kebabs from the wonderful butcher in Ermoupolis, the local town.
The beach at Abela is a two minute walk away and, though small, it is one of the nicest beaches on the island with beautiful still water and decent snorkling.
We have been coming to Syros for many, many years and this was certainly a real find as a place to stay on our favourite island.
The rooms suited us fine but we could have done with another bathroom as there were seven of us sharing the only one that there is. Beds were comfortable and all rooms were air conditioned.
The kitchen is fantastically well equipped and is a pleasure to work in. We even had a dinner party for sixteen local friends on the large terrace and had no problem finding enough plates, cutlery etc. There is a fantastic built in stone barbecue, which we used to cook kebabs from the wonderful butcher in Ermoupolis, the local town.
The beach at Abela is a two minute walk away and, though small, it is one of the nicest beaches on the island with beautiful still water and decent snorkling.
We have been coming to Syros for many, many years and this was certainly a real find as a place to stay on our favourite island.
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2009Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
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My experience at Villa Abela this past summer was even better than I anticipated. Although I had looked at the accommodations online, the actual being there is quite different than just seeing it—it is the aesthetic and sensual experience of the villa, its secluded location and the Greek people that makes this a memorable vacation spot.
The villa is located on the southern shores of Syros—just a 15 to 20 minute drive from the port town of Ermoupoli. The drive out of town allows one to see the rocky hillsides, covered with native wild plants, goats and sheep grazing, and houses built in the native Greek style. Villa Abela is located in a remote and beautiful location; there are other homes and a taverna nearby, however it is a private haven.
The two-story house rambles across a hillside, surrounded by porches, patios, and verandas—all sorts of wonderful trees and shrubs—with splendid views from everywhere you turn. From palm trees and eucalyptus to gardens with medicinal and ornamental herbs and bright-blooming flowers and shrubs, you will love being outside in this Grecian paradise. There is a perfect, protected cove for swimming in the vivid blue Aegean sea—which is part of the great view from the house—and it is a short walk to the sandy beach.
Probably, my favorite spot, was the bougainvillea and palm-covered outdoor veranda where we held cooking classes, craft workshops, and dined al fresco. Not to say, that we were always busy there; it is a peaceful restful place just to sit and look at the view, catch the sea breeze, enjoy a cocktail, or do yoga (which i did every morning). Another great plus about the veranda, is a wood-fired pizza oven that we fired up and made pizzas in!
Inside the house, the cool marble floors and modern interior are inviting on hot afternoons. Lots of windows and doors throughout the house allow the sea breeze to keep things cool; it blows most of the time. The living and dining area are comfortable and brightly lit from picture windows. The kitchen is large with lots of workspace and is well-equipped with a 5-burner stove, 2 ovens, double sink, and full-size refrigerator. There is even a view of the mountainside from the kitchen sink.
The villa has a washer and dryer, telephone, tv, and computer access. My cell phone worked best from the roof, which has a great view too.
I highly recommend Villa Abela for a great getaway and a Greek island adventure!
The villa is located on the southern shores of Syros—just a 15 to 20 minute drive from the port town of Ermoupoli. The drive out of town allows one to see the rocky hillsides, covered with native wild plants, goats and sheep grazing, and houses built in the native Greek style. Villa Abela is located in a remote and beautiful location; there are other homes and a taverna nearby, however it is a private haven.
The two-story house rambles across a hillside, surrounded by porches, patios, and verandas—all sorts of wonderful trees and shrubs—with splendid views from everywhere you turn. From palm trees and eucalyptus to gardens with medicinal and ornamental herbs and bright-blooming flowers and shrubs, you will love being outside in this Grecian paradise. There is a perfect, protected cove for swimming in the vivid blue Aegean sea—which is part of the great view from the house—and it is a short walk to the sandy beach.
Probably, my favorite spot, was the bougainvillea and palm-covered outdoor veranda where we held cooking classes, craft workshops, and dined al fresco. Not to say, that we were always busy there; it is a peaceful restful place just to sit and look at the view, catch the sea breeze, enjoy a cocktail, or do yoga (which i did every morning). Another great plus about the veranda, is a wood-fired pizza oven that we fired up and made pizzas in!
Inside the house, the cool marble floors and modern interior are inviting on hot afternoons. Lots of windows and doors throughout the house allow the sea breeze to keep things cool; it blows most of the time. The living and dining area are comfortable and brightly lit from picture windows. The kitchen is large with lots of workspace and is well-equipped with a 5-burner stove, 2 ovens, double sink, and full-size refrigerator. There is even a view of the mountainside from the kitchen sink.
The villa has a washer and dryer, telephone, tv, and computer access. My cell phone worked best from the roof, which has a great view too.
I highly recommend Villa Abela for a great getaway and a Greek island adventure!
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Data del soggiorno: luglio 2008Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato per affari
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I spent nearly a month at the Villa Abela and had an enchanting experience! The villa is nestled in a secluded part of the island, only 10 minutes from main Ermoupolis. There are beautiful views of the ocean just 100 yards from the villa with a nearly private beach. The marble floors of the house keep it cool and give it a very Greek feel. This a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the local Greek culture! There's also a great garden to pick fresh herbs from and several verandas to enjoy the afternoon sun,
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Data del soggiorno: maggio 2006Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con amici
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GreciaSouth AegeanCicladiSirosAbela
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