Serenity Cove
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Serenity Cove

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N. 1 di 1 Bed & Breakfast speciale a Greeneville
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Punteggio 4,0 su 5
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Punteggio 4,3 su 5
Punteggio 4,5 su 5
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Paul D ha scritto una recensione giu 2023
Boone, Carolina del Nord
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
This was my second visit. I needed a weekend getaway. I did the health package. It was all inclusive healthy diet, massages, conversations, walks and more.
Alesandra was very attentive, full of very helpful information and incredible host. I got very healthy diet of juices and salads. She organized massages and she did the oils treatments. By the time I was ready to depart I was refreshed, relaxed and felt amazing.
If you are looking for a five-star resort. This is not it. If you are looking for a rustic, quiet, amazing and tugged away in a forest to be pampered and attended too. Please give it a try. I will be going back hopefully soon.
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Data del soggiorno: giugno 2023
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Posizione
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Servizio
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato da solo
Consiglio sulle camere: Reach out to Alesandra and discuss your expectations and your needs. She is great listener and host.
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Tamika Compton ha scritto una recensione gen 2022
Punteggio 3,0 su 5
I like to keep this review honest as possible. For example, on the website, it mentions Genesis 2:29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth,..." "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you, it shall be for meat." Also, mention meals are included with the stay—no Vegan meals.

Before my stay, thus let the owner know I was transitioning my lifestyle to Vegan and have been Vegan for close to two months, which I booked a told of two weeks. I also had a book I had purchased by Robin Sharan Liver & Gallbladder Super Cleanse. I wanted to do the book's protocol, and I let Alesandra know I had all of my materials to do the Liver& Gallbladder Super Cleanse. Thus was my priority, she agreed.

Sandra placed Goat Cheese into my salad. She gets frustrated with me, for what now? I was highly upset for one before sending you my deposit I made this clear I was Vegan, and for two on your website, you are supposedly helping humanity transition their lifestyle. I thought about how tuff I was on the lady she apologized offered me another salad and a refund therefore I believe in giving someone the benefit of the doubt. What I couldn't understand was can you make a mistake like that and not be prepared for a Vegan stay? When, we had this reserved a month prior to my visit.

Therefore, I asked that we get on one accord. I admit I learned some formative things from Sandra, and I would rate her a zero, but I must give her some type of credit. During, that time my first week goes by, I wake up to go upstairs every day. I don't even recall her really checking on me in the mornings, supposedly I being her health client. As my week goes by I experienced the Rain Drop some other therapies I paid for services each time she mentioned how much they were right after services. Therefore, I spent each time she performed a treatment until she says pay me later to focus on your therapies.

Getting ready for the big transformation the gallbladder protocol call. I get up she says I spoke with my daughter and we don't think you should proceed with this protocol call. We are concerned it may be extreme on your health. Excuse me now I have spent over two thousand dollars we had an agreement if not refund me my money back. No, we can go ahead Sandra indicated. On a professional level, you don't take people's money then switch upon the agreement. I drove from Texas for this!! plans and everything else you suppose to be ready besides your daughter is not paying you I am. My thoughts respectfully.

Anyhow, the positive side the gallbladder protocol call was a success. The results were so effective it purified my mind body and soul. I had close to about a hundred bowel movements and I was able to face my past hurts and etc. Witness gallbladder stones in my poop mucus and debris being removed. All of this from fro following Robin Sharan protocol call Liver & Gallbladder Super Cleanse which you can go at the comfort of your home.

What really upset me the most was Sandra tried charging me a fee for helping assist in laying a wool fennel castor oil on my liver from the protocol call without my acknowledgment and not only that I am your health client I provided the materials I needed for the cleanse. I see, if she provided that herself. Another thing, the weather I was supposed to check out on January the 17,th2022, thus was a weather storm alert, therefore, the website mentioned no refunds she offered me a one day refund which I agree to exchange for services, but that all changed once she starts yelling getting upset with me because I called her out on charging me a fee for laying a pad on my side at night, but remember I am the health client though? You are supposed to assist me, and keep an eye on me!!

She gets upset and goes on a ramp page about having to go to the store to purchase food I needed for the protocol call which shouldn't be an issue because you had nothing for a Vegan anyways. How she deserves to be paid for her services. I was so disappointed for the simple fact I had just witness to a loving couple the day before and told them how great the process was and how Sandra and I started off only to find out differently. I also told Sandra to ask the woman does she stuffer any kind of pain in her left arm and leg because I shook the lady's hand and afterward felt the lady's pain and that was confirmed.

No one deserves this kind of treatment. I told Sandra I will pay her to keep the services we agree to exchange for my one-night refund for the simple fact my soul was purged and I did not want her touching me in that state of mind and also I am not the type to fall out about money, which I explained, her you go take the payment thanks for your services. It took me two days to get home and I thought about everything carefully before I placed this review because I wanted to make sure it was honest as possible.

Nevertheless, someone doesn't experience anything like this in their life. I wish things could have worked out differently.
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Data del soggiorno: gennaio 2022
Punteggio 3,0 su 5Stanze
Punteggio 2,0 su 5Servizio
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Qualità del sonno
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato per affari
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Adele K ha scritto una recensione ago 2018
Richmond, Virginia
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
We just spent a wonderful weekend at Serenity Cove with Alesandra. The home and surroundings are serene and relaxing, with beautiful mountain views, lovely interior rooms and comfortable common areas. She was attentive to our needs and very accommodating. Gave us information about the area, restaurants, walks and bike riding which is accessible. Breakfasts were delicious and she met our dietary needs. All in all, a lovely retreat to unwind and feel pampered.
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2018
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Pulizia
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Servizio
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
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Scott B ha scritto una recensione mar 2017
Charleston, Carolina del Sud
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Abbiamo trascorso di recente un weekend in questo hotel per la sua vicinanza alla verniciatura siamo andati con Sentiero e Hot Springs, Carolina per escursioni in mountain bike.

Io e mia moglie abbiamo trascorso un bel fine settimana in questa splendida località. Alghero (e il suo cane fortunati) erano molto invitanti e le dotazioni erano eccezionali. La casa e la struttura sono belli e i pasti freschi erano ottimi!

Consiglio vivamente, ma soprattutto se amate la vita all'aperto.

Ci torneremo!
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Language Weaver
Data del soggiorno: febbraio 2017
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Stanze
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Servizio
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità del sonno
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato in coppia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Lu F ha scritto una recensione ott 2016
Punteggio 1,0 su 5
Poor excuse for a B&B! Viscious dog on the premises; said mongrel attacked our dog, who we were taking to a kennel...just stopped there in Greeneville to check in. Owner was rude and would not apologize. Second day we were not given any towels or wash clothes. Door from the other room that shared the bathroom does not close properly, so No real privacy in the shared bathroom. Very uncomfortable bed!! Loud dehumidifier right outside of our bedroom door. Female of the other couple chose to sleep in the common area and she coughed all night plus had turned off all the lights so we had a hard time finding our way to our room.
No other option for a place to stay because of a festival in Jonesborough.
Oh, did I mention that she quoted me one price on the phone, but charged us more once we arrived??!! Had the price in my notes, but did not get it in writing FROM HER!
Chaulk it up to a lesson learned!
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Data del soggiorno: ottobre 2016Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato in coppia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Risposta da Alesandra S, Owner presso Serenity Cove
Risposta inviata il 18 gen 2017
Serenity Cove has been host to many people for over 20 years and this review is untrue and disappointing This party drove up and had their dog in the car and never told us My dog was not vicious in fact just was protecting his property and this party let their dog out without telling me I was not rude quite the contrary tried to welcome this couple and the wife was most unfriendly and resistent to any help I offered This is not a dive but a lovely home and I am really shocked that this woman would write such a scathing review Her husband offered an apology on her behalf and despite encouragement to come up for breakfast refused It was most unpleasant having them as guests Alesandra Slone owner
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SERENITY COVE B&B (Greeneville, TN): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025

Domande frequenti su Serenity Cove
Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a Serenity Cove?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono Buffalo Trail Orchard (4,6 km), The Ole Farm House (6,9 km) e Love's Produce & Nursery LLC. (6,2 km).
Quali sono alcuni dei servizi disponibili presso Serenity Cove?
Alcuni tra i servizi offerti più richiesti includono colazione inclusa, parcheggio gratuito e attività per bambini.
Quali opzioni per cibo e bevande sono disponibili presso Serenity Cove?
Gli ospiti possono usufruire di colazione inclusa durante il soggiorno.
Il parcheggio è disponibile presso Serenity Cove?
Sì, è disponibile per gli ospiti il servizio di parcheggio gratuito.
Gli animali sono ammessi presso Serenity Cove?
Sì, gli animali di norma sono ammessi, ma è sempre meglio chiamare prima per confermare.
Ci sono siti storici vicino a Serenity Cove?
Molti viaggiatori amano visitare Andrew Johnson National Historic Site (14,2 km), Dickson Williams Mansion (14,2 km) e Greene County History Museum (13,8 km).
Serenity Cove dispone di accesso disabili?
Sì, offre camere con accesso disabili. Per richieste specifiche, si consiglia di chiamare prima per confermare.
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