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Such a fantastic family friendly campsite. What a gem! We found this place via pitch up but contacted the owners directly they were so helpful in discussing pitch sizes and what they had available alleviating any of my husbands concerns. When we arrived the owners welcomed us and as it was fairly quiet told us we could choose where we’d like to pitch. It wasn’t a problem we had two cars (being a large family) and as we chose to camp on the lower meadow our cars had to be based in the parking areas anyway. The facilities are what some might seem as basic - shower shacks, toilet cabin/shack but they were always well presented and clean. There is also a family/disabled shower and toilet recently opened. Within this area is also an information space which has lockers to charge your phone and a communal fridge/freezer. The site was fairly well lit at nights with dim solar lights as not to massively impact light pollution but was helpful enough to get to the facilities when dark. A main attraction for our children was the games tent a large marquee in the centre of the site, a great space to keep out of the sun or the rain with some family games provided.
There was also a badminton net and football goal set up. Alongside a wooden climbing frame and swing set. A small beach area with sandpit had also been set up next to the steam that ran alongside this was such a fun and unique feature for our children. The grounds were so quaint and well kept. Like with most other campsites our children quickly made friends and they had days of fun hiding and exploring. There is a pond here which is roped off but need to be aware that there’s open water whilst the children are playing.
The pitches were really well sized and spaced from each other with well mown paths that made each section clear and separate from one another. Fire pits were allowed and logs were available to buy, as well as disposable BBQs.
The site is set off a road which is national speed limit and road noise is intermittently noticeable - this may be more so for us as we live in rural Cornwall usually so road noise is a novelty. It did not bother me in the slightest but my husband did notice it being fairly sound sensitive.
We would absolutely come back a great spot for exploring North Devon and Exmoor - we visited Lynton & Lynmouth, Westward Ho! and Barnstaple whilst there all a nice driving distance and great places to discover.
Hopefully this site gets more publicity because I really hope it does well!
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2024Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
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SOUTH FORD FARM CAMPING Hotel (South Molton, Inghilterra): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025
Domande frequenti su South Ford Farm Camping
Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a South Ford Farm Camping?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono Exit60 - Newport Escape Rooms (7,6 km), Caerleon Roman Fortress and Baths (4,5 km) e National Roman Legion Museum (4,6 km).