The Spencer Inn
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The Spencer Inn

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N. 1 di 1 pensione a Milford
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Punteggio 4,5 su 5
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
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Ronmedo1 ha scritto una recensione set 2008
New York, NY
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
My husband and I and my son and his wife planned to go on a last minute get-away for the Labor Day weekend. After looking up and calling so many of the better known bed and breakfast and hotel/motels in the Cooperstown area, I stumbled upon a website for the Spencer Inn. I immediately looked it up on the Trip Advisor website and upon seeing the glowing reviews I decided to call and book two rooms which fortunately for us were available.

I cannot say enough about the Spencer Inn. The house built in the 1800's has a warm welcoming charm to it. The acreage surrounding the house has many beautiful old trees that gives the house a coming home feeling as you approach the entry. The rooms are extremely comfortable and take you back in time with the lovely antique furnishings, they are immaculate, the hardwood floors are well preserved and shinning. Our rooms had their own private baths which was important to me.

Now for the breakfast, Karl and his wife Christina made us feel welcome and at home. The are wonderful host, they pay attention to all the details that make their guest feel extremely comfortable. Karl goes out of his way to help you with making the right choices for dinner and even making the dinner reservations for you. The breakfast itself was absolutly unbelievably good. We had all different kinds of omelets including crab, lobster, wild mushrooms whatever you desired Karl made it for you. His banana pancakes and blueberry pancakes were to die for. They were the best pancakes I have ever eaten. He makes fresh pastries and serves country sausages or ham with the omelets and eggs. Fresh fruits and juices were served as well and I have to mention the coffee because my husband and I are very picky when it comes to coffee and we could not get enough of the coffee here at this charming place. When you got up from his table you are full and extremely content.

I refer to the Spencer Inn as a Hidden Treasure because, although it is not as well know as some of the other more famous Bed and Breakfast and Inns in the Cooperstown area, it offers warmth, charm and a peaceful feeling that the larger places lose because of their size and lack of personal attention. The owners Karl and Christina are a delight to know and with all the wonderful amenities they offer, The Spencer Inn truly is a hidden treasure.
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2008
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Stanze
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Posizione
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Pulizia
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Reception
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Servizio
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
cjcwriter ha scritto una recensione ago 2008
Charlotte, Carolina del Nord
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
I can't say enough about the Spencer Inn. It is run by the owner, Karl, and his wife, Christina. They were genial and warm, the room was comfortable and clean and the breakfast was out of this world. Every day we were greeted with delicious main course, a homemade pastry, and a side of fruit salad. On the last morning, the menu option included a crab omelet. This Baltimore raised girl never heard another word after "crab," though I was a bit embarassed by the copious amounts of drool that spontaneously collected in a puddle on the plate. The Spencer Inn is a charming stay with even more charming hosts and I'm really grateful I found it for my stay during Induction weekend.
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Data del soggiorno: luglio 2008
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Stanze
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Posizione
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Pulizia
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Reception
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Servizio
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato in coppia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Baseball Mom 8 ha scritto una recensione lug 2006
Virginia Beach
Punteggio 4,0 su 5
The Spencer Inn is a charming B&B with friendly hosts, delicious breakfasts, and beautiful antiques. My husband and I stayed there because it is 5 minutes from Dreamspark. The host, Karl makes the most delicious breakfasts (quiche, crepes, french toast, ham and eggs, etc.). But the best, were his banana pancakes. They are out of this world!! The breakfast always included coffee, (what tasted like) fresh squeezed orange juice, and a variety of fresh fruit. Our room was beautifully decorated with antiques, including a queen sized bed with a romantic netted canopy. It had gleaming hardwood floors and 10 or 12 foot ceilings. Karl and his wife, Christine have 3 adorable children that you NEVER hear. The whole family is involved in running the B&B, and they do a wonderful job! Ask Karl for his recommendations for restaurants, he won't steer you wrong. The only drawback to the B&B (and it is a small one) is that the shower is teeny tiny. It is comparable to taking a shower in a phone booth. (But to be fair, in comparing it to other house rentals and B&Bs in the area, they are ALL like that.) That is the ONLY reason that I didn't give it 5 stars. I would highly recommend this B&B, and definitely would return. In fact, one of the other families staying there was there for the 2nd time.
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THE SPENCER INN Pensione (Milford, NY): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025

Domande frequenti su The Spencer Inn
Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a The Spencer Inn?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono Cooperstown Dreams Park (5,6 km), Barnyard Swing Miniature Golf (5,5 km) e Ingalls Blueberry Hill (5,9 km).
Quali ristoranti ci sono vicino a The Spencer Inn?
I ristoranti facilmente raggiungibili includono Council Rock Brewery, Brewery Ommegang e Jive Cafe.