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Little Lake Campround
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N. 1 di 1 campeggio a Jefferson
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Servizi della struttura
Wi-Fi pubblico
Attività per bambini/famiglie
Animali domestici ammessi
Lavanderia self-service
146 Porter Rd, Jefferson, NY 12093
Come arrivarci
Aeroporto di Albany
69 km•
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10 attrazioni
entro 10 chilometri
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Tammy (Owner) welcomed us to Little Lake Campground. She was sweet, accommodating, and knowledgeable. Her store was filled with thoughtful real camping needs in case you forgot something. The little lake was low in water, but who cares? She only takes credit cards-so bring the cash...only $43. All RV hookups current (not from the 1970's) water and electric. Thank you Tammy.
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2022
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Risposta da Tammy Buck, Owner presso Little Lake Campround
Risposta inviata il 10 ago 2022
I'm glad you had a nice stay. Hope to see you again. Thanks Tammy
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Very clean facilities and quiet relaxing atmosphere. We enjoyed our stay very much. Good location for exploring Catskills. Hobart book town, and Cooperstown within reasonably short drives from campground as well as other sites in Catskill mountains. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay.
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2021
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We decided to take a family camping trip to the Catskill Mountains for Columbus Day Weekend. We packed the car and were ready for a tent site at a NYS campground. Well, we were turned away as they were fully booked. We quickly regrouped and scanned the map for another campground. That is how we found Little Lake Campground. Although mostly an RV Park, Little Lake Campground did have tent sites located away from the RV's. Since it was their last open weekend (and fall temperatures), they had every tent site available. When we arrived, we found they also have 4 primitive cabins (no electricity) with a bunk and double bed in each. For $15 more than a tent site ($45 vs. $30), we opted for a cabin. It was perfect for our family of 2 adults and 3 children. The campground was relatively quiet and well-maintained. It was far away enough from the main roads so that there were no traffic sounds at night. The facilities were as expected for a campground. The family who owns it lives on site and maintains a nice camp store. They were friendly and accommodating. The kids enjoyed the basketball court and the quirky playground. We will definitely return.
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Data del soggiorno: ottobre 2019
Qualità del sonno
Consiglio sulle camere: Tent sites, RV sites, primitive cabins - there's a variety to choose from depending on your...
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When heading towards north central Pennsylvania from Vermont, my family of four found this delightful camping area to set up for the night, near/in Jefferson NY.
The tent area was soft grass and the little lake (pond) was loaded with Sunfish my 11y/o was pulling in and tossing back, using the cane pole & worms he picked up for just a few dollars from the camp store.
Also available were a handful of kayaks for use around the swimming area, which came in handy when the tip of my son's fishing pole went in the water, floated away, and I had to retrieve it. :)
It was overcast the night we were there, but based on the opening overlooking the water and the remote location of the campsite, I imagine the star viewing would be amazing.
I can't remember the gentleman's name who answered our phone call and gave us directions there, but he was very nice, helpful, and then gave us a tent site with several open spots on either side so we had a peaceful and restful night.
Definitely would go again!
Details: Tent camping spot with electricity and water $32. The tub of firewood was excellent and for $10 provided 5 hours of a decent size campfire. Cash only.
The tent area was soft grass and the little lake (pond) was loaded with Sunfish my 11y/o was pulling in and tossing back, using the cane pole & worms he picked up for just a few dollars from the camp store.
Also available were a handful of kayaks for use around the swimming area, which came in handy when the tip of my son's fishing pole went in the water, floated away, and I had to retrieve it. :)
It was overcast the night we were there, but based on the opening overlooking the water and the remote location of the campsite, I imagine the star viewing would be amazing.
I can't remember the gentleman's name who answered our phone call and gave us directions there, but he was very nice, helpful, and then gave us a tent site with several open spots on either side so we had a peaceful and restful night.
Definitely would go again!
Details: Tent camping spot with electricity and water $32. The tub of firewood was excellent and for $10 provided 5 hours of a decent size campfire. Cash only.
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2019Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Risposta da Tammy B, Owner presso Little Lake Campround
Risposta inviata il 29 ago 2019
Thank you for the kind words. You are correct on a clear night the stars are amazing. Safe travels and hope to see you again.
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Era la nostra prima volta qui, ma non sarà l'ultimo. Questo posto è gestito da una famiglia fantastica che cura dei propri clienti. . . . . Fuori nei boschi, molto tranquillo e rilassante.
Bei siti dal lago.
E provate il loro sciroppo acero puro, WOW!
Non vedo l'ora di tornarci l'anno prossimo!
Bei siti dal lago.
E provate il loro sciroppo acero puro, WOW!
Non vedo l'ora di tornarci l'anno prossimo!
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Data del soggiorno: luglio 2017Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato in coppia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Questa risposta rappresenta l'opinione personale del rappresentante della struttura e non di Tripadvisor LLC.
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Stati UnitiNew YorkJefferson
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Richiedete il vostro profiloLITTLE LAKE CAMPROUND Hotel (Jefferson, NY): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025
Domande frequenti su Little Lake Campround
Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a Little Lake Campround?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono Buck Hill Farms (4,8 km).
Quali ristoranti ci sono vicino a Little Lake Campround?
I ristoranti facilmente raggiungibili includono The Breakfast Club, Heartbreak Hotel Sports Bar & Restaurant e Grace & Son.
Gli animali sono ammessi presso Little Lake Campround?
Sì, gli animali di norma sono ammessi, ma è sempre meglio chiamare prima per confermare.