Crazy Acres Campground
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Crazy Acres Campground

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brianmK8963XP ha scritto una recensione set 2024
Papillion, Nebraska
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Great camp hosts/owners here. They treat their campground with care. Little lake with bluegill. Fairly flat full hookup sites. 2 bathroom areas, laundry. It’s a bit of a drive to Oneonta with restaurants/gas/shopping, maybe 18-20 minutes. Wish Oneonta was a little closer, but other than that I like Crazy Acres.
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Data del soggiorno: settembre 2024
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Stanze
Punteggio 3,0 su 5Posizione
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Pulizia
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Servizio
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità del sonno
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Kim N ha scritto una recensione mag 2020
Levittown, New York
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
We go camping every year and each year we try a new place. We heard about crazy acres and figured to check it out. This place was amazing. They have a lot of r.v sites either the seasonal spots or bring your own. They have a lot of tent spots and 3 cabins. 2 that holds 4 people and another that can hold about 8. They also have a tippi site. We stayed in a cabin that held 4 people. It was very nice didn't have any type of odor and was clean. It had a light and ceiling fan , a mini fridge an extension cord,coffee pot and a heater. It had 1 set of twin bunk beds and a full size futon. Surprisingly they were comfortable. A lot better than some other places I've been to. The cabin had a porch with a picnic table. And the site had a fire ring and charcoal grill. Across from our site was a basket ball court , and horse shoe and also a hose for water. It was a big field which was nice for the kids to play in. Only a few steps away from the cabin were the bathrooms and showers. There was also a playground but with the current situation they had it taped up so no one could go on.The reception desk/store was not far from our site it was about a 5 min walk down which was nice since we parked the car and didn't use it for 2 days.There was a huge lake right by the reception desk/store. They rent boats or u can bring yours from home. Non motorized. The lake was stocked with fish. The campground also has a pavilion where they held a lot of activities and they have a laundry room. There was also a pool but it was not open yet. We went memorial day weekend and it was such an amazing time. They had activities all weekend long which was so fun. We did the fishing tournament and the scavenger hunt. It was a lot of fun. They had a lot more activities going on but those were the 2 we did. They also had a live band playing one night which we could hear from our cabin since it was done at the pavilion which was across the field from where we were. They were very good. The store on the campground had the essentials wood, ice, drinks, movies and books for rent for the r.vs. snacks , clothing and accessories for r.vs a few decorations and ice cream popcorn and coffee. The owners and workers there are so incredibly nice. They greet you so happy and friendly make everyone feel welcome. There always trying to help everyone out. There's always someone driving around in a golf cart making sure people are doing ok. And seeing if anyone needs help. We walked down to the store and got wood and were walking it back up to our site and one of the women pulls up to us and says please let me help you back to your site and we put the wood on and she drove us up to it. My daughter won 3rd place in the fishing contest and they drove to our site to let us know she had won 3rd place and what a great job she did. There was one day where it rained for about a half hour but then it stopped and was fine but due to the grass being wet they couldn't do the outside movie night that they had planned. So people were going to all the sites to let everyone know that they had to cancel movie night but were doing something else instead and informed us of the time. It was very nice to see the owners so involved. They really care about the people that stay there which was very nice to see. Another bonus was how nice other people were there. Everyone is friendly and talks to you invites u over to there site for food or to play games. It was a very different experience and atmosphere to see which was different from the other campgrounds that we have been to. From what we saw also it seems like they have activities mostly every weekend throughout the summer which is really nice. It definitely was fun to do. The grounds were kept up very nice as well. If your staying in an r.v or tent you could bring your dog. There were so many dogs there and they were all so well behaved we never had an issue with hearing them. At night in the cabin we didn't hear any outside nose which was great. There is also a trail on the campground. We really had an amazing time and this is a place I would definitely stay at again and tell people about
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Data del soggiorno: maggio 2020Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
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CRAZY ACRES CAMPGROUND Hotel (Davenport, NY): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025

Domande frequenti su Crazy Acres Campground
Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a Crazy Acres Campground?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono Hanford Mills Museum (7,6 km), Hawk + Hive (7,3 km) e Back to the Future Musical (7,3 km).
Quali ristoranti ci sono vicino a Crazy Acres Campground?
I ristoranti facilmente raggiungibili includono Creola, Kellys Good Eats: Home of the Red Wagon e Zizi Wine Bar.
Ci sono siti storici vicino a Crazy Acres Campground?
Molti viaggiatori amano visitare Hanford Mills Museum (7,6 km).