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A majority of what you are paying for is the close proximity to Dreams Park. They are almost directly across the street which makes it convienient . If you have a lot of families with small children there is a lot of grounds space to run around . Pool is ok , sometimes it had an odd smell . Grounds are clean. More money and time needs to be invested inside the chalet. We were provided a used dirty sponge to clean dishes upon arrival . A new sponge costs minimal . There is no stove . The hot plates they give you do not get even water to boiling . There is hardly any dishes . The floor was dirty. They give you 1 set of paper towels and a roll of toilet paper . That’s about it. No cleaning service at least to do a quick vacuum and surface clean . Ive paid half of this cost at a cleaner place that at least gave you some toiletries . The amount of revenue this place brings in during baseball season I expect more. If you are not traveling with small kids and are on your own I recommend staying at a neighboring hotel where at least you will get a cleaning service and a clean environment .
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2019Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
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We were here week one, weather is still cool so pack accordingly. It was in the lower 70’s/ mid 60’s during the day and 40/50’s at night. We stayed in a 2 bedroom cabin. Cabins are clean. Bathrooms were small but nice- water pressure is ok. Kitchen has no stove but they do provide cooktops, microwave, grill (outside) and crockpot. Make sure to bring paper plates and cutlery, there are minimal of these in the cabin. There also is a coffee maker in each cabin. They also provide an iron, laundry basket, broom and vacuum cleaner. The first bedroom has a queen bed and dresser, ceiling fan and one side table. The second has a big closet with a few hanger, 2 twin beds, ceiling fan and a bookcase. Beds are ok, they have plastic fitting covers on the mattresses so you sweat at night. There is one air conditioner / furnace in the main living area. Spectrum TV in the living room only. My only complaint is there are no fire pits - which would be nice on chilly nights.
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Data del soggiorno: giugno 2019Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
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The only way to book a chalet is through Abbe. You cannot book online. Abbe will not return calls. Therefore, I would not wait for her and move on She will not call you back and you could miss out on alternative lodging
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Data del soggiorno: ottobre 2018Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con amici
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Risposta da Abbe F, Owner presso Chalet Village
Risposta inviata il 9 ott 2018
Colleen, I'm sorry you did not get a call back. I am very surprised. I have been on the phone nonstop for the past week, either answering calls, checking voicemails or returning calls. I start at 6 am and go till whenever the phone stops ringing. Again I do apologize.
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Chalet Village is great for your entire team families to stay!
The cabins, the staff, the location........everything is fantastic.
There is a room for a team gathering and a nearby restaurant that will cater. The food is great!
I can't say enough about this place and how enjoyable it was. It was so nice to have all of our families together.
Abbe was amazing to work with.
I highly recommend Chalet Village. Get your reservation in on time!!!
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2018Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Chalet Village truly became our entire teams home away from home for seven days. The accommodations, location, amenities and atmosphere added to the amazing week of baseball we experienced. The chalets were clean, the clubhouse was very attentive & helpful to all throughout the week, the Pavilion area served as a space for team bbq’s (grills are already there) and some adult time in the evening, siblings were constantly outside switching between wiffle ball, basketball courts & the pool and more importantly we were minutes away from our boys on the fields. Our baseball family couldn’t have been happier here. Thank you to Abbe, Doug and the entire Chalet Village staff for an unforgettable week in Cooperstown, NY!
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2018Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
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