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Leatherback Lodge is an absolute must for two families or eight couples. Its heaven on the beach. The sun rises are stunning whilst sipping your early morning coffee. Then you head off to the beach that is pristine and clean and beautiful. I have to say that anyone who does surf and rock fishing will have some sort of fish on the end of their line. Stumpies, Garrick, mussel cracker, red snapper, Imperial snappers and of course the big GT lurking around.
Dolphins were every where to be seen and in September the whales are a must. They are breaching and tail slapping as far as the eye can see.
Its absolute private and bliss. I would recommend this little lodge to anyone who loves nature, forest and beaches. Cannot wait to go back.
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Data del soggiorno: luglio 2023
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con amici
Consiglio sulle camere:You need 4x4 and is a 4 hour trip through the reserve or 45 minutes by boat
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A stunning villa. The perfect spot for a private family or friends beach getaway. I love that it's just a short jaunt down the dune to the long stretch of beach. We spotted a few turtle nest markers in the dunes, but unfortunately missed the hatching. I wish we'd stayed longer so we could have witnessed such an extraordinary event. The villa highlights were the pool and boma area, the outdoor and indoor dining areas with views over the ocean, and the bath and showers, also with ocean views. The food was wonderful and all inclusive, so all we had to do was relax and enjoy our time here. If you like a sea view, beach adventures and ocean activities on your vacation, this is ideal villa!
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Data del soggiorno: marzo 2023
Qualità del sonno
Consiglio sulle camere:The Dune Suite is tucked away in the dunes, offering the most private and peaceful room.
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