AMP Promocions Erts Appartements
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AMP Promocions Erts Appartements

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N. 2 di 2 appartamenti a La Massana
Punteggio 1,0 su 5
Punteggio 2,0 su 5
Punteggio 3,5 su 5
Punteggio 1,0 su 5
Punteggio 4,0 su 5
Qualità del sonno
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Carrer Sant Roma 400 - Erts, La Massana AD400 Andorra
Come arrivarci
Abbastanza comodo a piedi
Gli alloggi vengono valutati con un punteggio da 0 a 100. Più alto è il punteggio, più facile è per i viaggiatori trovare ristoranti e attività raggiungibili a piedi.
Punteggio: 52 su 100
Aeroporto di Barcellona - El Prat

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Ruben C ha scritto una recensione lug 2021
Punteggio 1,0 su 5
Reservamos para la noche vieja de 2020 y dadas las circunstancias de pandemia prohibieron las salidas desde España. Intentamos que nos devolvieran la fianza pagada ya que no era culpa nuestra que no pudiéramos ir. Nos cogieron el teléfono una vez y solo se dedicaron a decir que no devolvían nada seguidamente seguido de que no hablaban español. Finalmente no contestaron al teléfono nunca mas y encima nos bloquearon del WhatsApp para que no pudiéramos contactarles más. No volveremos a reservar en este alojamiento, pues ni siquiera nos dieron otras opciones o fechas alternativas para no perder lo que ya habiamos pagado(418€).
Scopri di più
Data del soggiorno: dicembre 2020
Punteggio 1,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 1,0 su 5Stanze
Punteggio 1,0 su 5Servizio
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Climber447765 ha scritto una recensione mar 2020
Erts, Andorra
Punteggio 1,0 su 5
Please don't be fooled by the high review scores on I have cut and paste my review from them:

Good Points
The Location and Apartments were quiet. Residents were not at all noisy.

We were able to cook own meals using the kitchen.

Apartments were clean upon arrival (BEWARE YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS AT CHECKOUT).

Disliked ·
SECURITY DEPOSIT SCAM!! The Apartment will keep at least €50 from this for "Final Cleaning" They will not tell you this either when you book, check-in or even check out, beware of the small print in Catalan!!


Little or no Housekeeping during Stay.

Reception only opens for very short periods. Reception staff have very limited English which will cause you problems.

The owner will claim not to speak English - Beware he understands perfectly.

NO PARKING - Make sure when parking on street you park facing the way of the traffic!! The police will issue a fixed penalty for breaches of this


Despite advertising, they do food (Breakfast, etc) they do not and there is very little available within walking distance. Fine if you have a car you can go to La Massana or Arinsal in around 5 minutes drive. If on foot a 20-minute uphill walk.

BEWARE THE INVENTORY!!! Check everything, photograph every issue immediately (we always do this so there was no issue, but heard from other people who were blamed for pre-existing issues they could not prove were not them).

Don't expect the room to be inspected when you are present, it simply won't happen. beware they insist on keeping a copy of your card details (so that they can "refund the security deposit").

We are still trying to get our additional cleaning charge refunded through our booking agent. The hotel insist we understood and agreed to pay. WE DID NOT!!

Scopri di più
Data del soggiorno: febbraio 2020
Punteggio 3,0 su 5Pulizia
Punteggio 1,0 su 5Servizio
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Qualità del sonno
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Julen Calvó ha scritto una recensione mar 2020
Punteggio 1,0 su 5
Mal trato del personal,te cobran cosas inexplicables de la fianza y no responden, entran al apartamento sin consentimiento, te pone que hay parking y no hay, el wifi no tiene apenas señal en definitiva de los peores sitios para alojarse.
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Data del soggiorno: marzo 2020Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con amici
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Samantha B ha scritto una recensione mar 2020
Reading, Regno Unito
Punteggio 4,0 su 5
We can't fault the apartment at all, it has everything you need for a comfortable stay. The hosts (Amp Promocions) however are extremely poor, rude and communication is virtually non-existent. We were worried before we travelled, and we were right. We had to contact Airbnb support as we were being asked to pay a 100 euro deposit direct to the apartment reception, we weren't able to check in without paying it. Airbnb confirmed that they were breaking their terms and conditions as all security deposits should go through Airbnb. We paid it anyway because we didn’t want the whole family to be left stranded without accommodation. We were assured that it would be refunded on our day of departure. Now nearly 3 weeks on and after numerous messages on the Airbnb app, Facebook, website and mobile, we have had no refund or explanation as to why it hasn't been refunded, we left the apartment very clean and tidy. This is theft. Do not use these hosts at all costs, it's just not worth it. Very poor service and they should not be allowed to use Airbnb,,, please see their TripAdvisor scope. I will be reporting them again.
Scopri di più
Data del soggiorno: febbraio 2020
Punteggio 3,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Pulizia
Punteggio 1,0 su 5Servizio
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Nessun risultato.Prova a modificare o cancellare la ricerca per trovare domande e risposte.
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AndorraParrocchia di La MassanaLa Massana
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AMP PROMOCIONS ERTS APPARTEMENTS Hotel (La Massana, Andorra): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025

Domande frequenti su AMP Promocions Erts Appartements
Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a AMP Promocions Erts Appartements?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono The Derby Irish Pub (1,2 km), Cervesa Alpha Andorra (0,7 km) e Percanela-Les Fonts-Pla de l'Estany Trail (0,7 km).
Quali ristoranti ci sono vicino a AMP Promocions Erts Appartements?
I ristoranti facilmente raggiungibili includono Borda d'Erts, Hunters Sports Bar & Grill e Borda Raubert.
Ci sono siti storici vicino a AMP Promocions Erts Appartements?
Molti viaggiatori amano visitare Casa de la Vall (6,7 km), Barri Antic (6,7 km) e Església de Sant Serni de Llorts (4,5 km).
Tutti gli hotel: La MassanaOfferte di hotel: La MassanaHotel last minute: La MassanaHotel vicino a AMP Promocions Erts Appartements
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