Lizard Creek Campground
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Lizard Creek Campground

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This view was a 30 foot walk through the trees from my picnic table.
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N. 8 di 9 campeggi a Parco nazionale Grand Teton
Punteggio 4,9 su 5
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Punteggio 4,8 su 5
Punteggio 4,3 su 5
Punteggio 4,4 su 5
Punteggio 4,8 su 5
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32 Miles North Of Moose, Parco nazionale Grand Teton, WY

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TXLKG ha scritto una recensione set 2024
Texas Gulf Coast, Texas
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Great news lace to camp in Grand Tetons. Convenient location. Restrooms were clean. No showers. Public showers for $5 at Colton and which was very close by. Had a campsite right on the water front of the lake. Beautiful spot. We will return if we are in the area again.
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Data del soggiorno: settembre 2024Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato in coppia
Consiglio sulle camere: Check site descriptions carefully. Ours was walk in and we didn’t know that before we got there....
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Lawn_Gnome ha scritto una recensione ago 2024
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
This campground is perfect for those looking for a smaller, quiet, private campsite nestled in a busy National Park. This campground is perfect for tent campers. The sites along the lake offer the most privacy. You couldn’t even see our spot from the road thanks to all of the trees. Everyone who was camping here had great etiquette— quiet and respectful of each other. I found myself wanting to stay at camp and lounge around all to enjoy the peace and tranquility. We camped at Canyon Village in Yellowstone for a few days prior to coming to Lizard Creek, which was an awful experience, we stayed out late to avoid having to spend time at that campsite. Bears tend to frequent the campground daily, especially early morning, but never caused problems. Be sure to follow all food storage rules and keep a clean camp.

Lizard Creek is a little out of the way and not close to any of the big attractions in Grand Teton, but it is worth the extra drive to enjoy the quietness and intimacy offered.

The bathroom facilities are very basic with flush toilets. The one closest to our site was infested with daddy long legs, they were all over the walls by the dozens. The one closest to the host site was the cleanest and bug free — I wonder why? Hmm…

If you require laundry and shower facilities on site, this campground is not for you.

Overall, I can’t wait to camp here again someday soon!!
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Data del soggiorno: agosto 2024
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità/prezzo
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Posizione
Punteggio 4,0 su 5Pulizia
Punteggio 5,0 su 5Qualità del sonno
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
Consiglio sulle camere: Expect cold temps at night (30-40*F). Forecast if frequently wrong — expect rain, even if it...
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Lisa D ha scritto una recensione lug 2022
Hamilton, New Jersey
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
We found this little campground for our R&R weekend and could not be happier. Its only about 14 minutes to Jim Thorpe PA. We stayed in their full service mobile home, but they also have a couple of trailers and a really nice Glamping site for rent as well. The campground itself is spotless and the owners are amazing. I will definitely stay here again.
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Data del soggiorno: luglio 2022Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato in coppia
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
nandarski ha scritto una recensione ago 2021
Boulder, Colorado
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Bonnie and Bruce were amazing hosts. Our car broke down and they did everything possible to make a very stressful situation much less stressful. Because of them, we were able to find a place to put our camper and get a ride to Jackson. They even went so far as to bring us food!!! They showed us how good people really are. If you ever lose faith in humanity, I hope you meet someone like Bonnie and Bruce!! Thank you to them again and again!! Nancy, Bethany, Krista, Charlotte and Mallory
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Data del soggiorno: luglio 2021
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
BadgerGirl095 ha scritto una recensione ago 2020
Midwest U.S.
Punteggio 5,0 su 5
Lizard Creek is a gem on the northern end of Jackson Lake with beautiful sites, many of them on the water or with a water view. As many have noted, getting a campsite at Grand Teton is extremely stressful, and fill times during COVID are even earlier than they traditionally were before. We left our campsite at Grant in Yellowstone early in the morning to get to Lizard Creek by 7:30 on a Friday morning, and we were glad we got there when we did.

The process for getting a site is, frankly, ridiculous. Grab a registration slip as you drive in. Then you have to drive around the campground and look at sites and checkout dates on the slips on the posts to see if they are leaving that day. The dates on the slips are tiny, so you have to get out of your vehicle to walk right up to the post to see it. We ended up having my husband drive alongside me as I walked from site to site. The thing is that even if the date says they are leaving that day, they still have the option until 11 a.m. (checkout time) to decide they are staying, so you can't claim a site until you have made contact with the people staying there to confirm they are really leaving. And if you are there too early, people might still be asleep, so you don't know if they are leaving or not. Also, some of the sites (especially the best sites) are walk-in sites, so you have to walk through the little path to the site to see what it's like. Once you find a site and confirm you can have it that day, fill out your registration slip right away, stick it on the post and then go back to the reg area to stick your payment in the box. Right now this campground is filling by mid-morning, so get there as soon as possible.

We ended up lucking out big time and got site #18, which has a beautiful filtered view of the lake through the trees. It's a walk-in site, but it was a very short walk and no problem for us even though we have tons of stuff. Note that the campground map is WAY off as far as where the actual creek is - it shows that sites 15-20 are on the creek when they are actually right on the lake. I would say sites 15 and 16 are the best in the campground for being on the lake and having privacy. Sites 17 and 18 are basically open to each other with little privacy between except for a bear box. There are campground hosts in the campground full time who work for Signal Mountain Lodge and sell ice and wood, which is convenient.

This campground has decent flush toilets, a room by the bathroom where you can dump dishwashing water, easy access to drinking water and a bear box in every site, which is a huge bonus. Most sites are nice and large and flat with big trees, accommodating bigger tents like ours easily (10x15). We later drove through the campground at Colter Bay just to see what it was like and FYI the tent-only sites were mostly TINY and pretty crowded.

On the map it looks like the campground is pretty far from the favorite hikes like Jenny Lake and Taggart Lake, but after being in Yellowstone, the drive was really no big deal at all (maybe 45 minutes to Taggart), and the entire drive is stunningly beautiful. Overall staying at Lizard Creek was a wonderful experience, and we can't wait to stay there again.
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Data del soggiorno: luglio 2020
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Katie K ha fatto una domanda gen 2020
Edwardsville, Illinois4 contributi
Our road trip itinerary has us arriving at 8pm on a Thursday. What are our odds of snagging a campsite?
Risposta da signalmtnlodge
Dear Katie K, Thank you for your question. The fill times at Lizard Creek Campground vary throughout the summer season. In peak season (late June through mid August) the fill times are typically earlier than 8pm. Please contact us with your specific dates and we would be happy to give you some guidance. We hope to see you this summer. Johannah Bendel, Front Desk Manager, Signal Mountain Lodge, 307-543-2831
Dan R ha fatto una domanda set 2017
Broomfield, Colorado8 contributi
Is the campground open 8-10 Sept?
Risposta da signalmtnlodge
Dear Dan R, The Lizard Creek Campground closed for the 2017 season on September 4, 2017. Our Signal Mountain Campground in Grand Teton National Park will remain open until October 15, 2017. Please let us know if you have further questions. Thank you. Johannah Bendel, Front Desk Manager, Signal Mountain Lodge, 307-543-2831
Risposta da signalmtnlodge
Hi mamakl29, The Lizard Creek Campground is scheduled to open June 9, 2017. Normally this campground fills in the late afternoon or early evening in early/mid June, so it would probably be best to try to arrive before 5pm. Typically, the earlier you can get to the campground, the more site choices you will have. Please let us know if you have further questions. We hope to see you this summer! Johannah Bendel, Front Desk Manager, Signal Mountain Lodge, 307-543-2831
Yalliingup47 ha fatto una domanda feb 2016
Twin Falls, Idaho5 contributi5 voti utili
How far is Lizard Cg from Yellowstone pls
Risposta da signalmtnlodge
Dear Yallingu..., Lizard Creek Campground is located about 10 miles south of the South Entrance into Yellowstone National Park. Please give us a call if we can be of further assistance. Thank you. Johannah Bendel, Front Desk Manager, Signal Mountain Lodge, 307-543-2831
Non è la struttura giusta per te?
Puoi scegliere altri posti nella zona di Parco nazionale Grand Teton.
lizard creek campground hotel grand teton national park
Stati UnitiWyomingParco nazionale Grand Teton
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LIZARD CREEK CAMPGROUND Hotel (Wyoming/Parco nazionale Grand Teton): Prezzi e Recensioni 2025

Domande frequenti su Lizard Creek Campground
Quali attrazioni famose si trovano vicino a Lizard Creek Campground?
Le attrazioni nelle vicinanze includono Grand Teton National Park (4,6 km) e Jackson Lake Overlook (3,1 km).
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