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Melarmath Hgb Road Opposite Agyachala Sangha, Agartala 799001 India
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Room decorations is ok but customer service is Very poor. I stayed in room no. 501 for 1 night. After 6 p.m no water in the wash room, informed same to reception desk but their careless attitude disappointed me. From 6 p.m to the next day morning 9 a.m we passed without water and then leaved the hotel. My wife and two kids suffered a lot. I paid for a triple room which require extra bed sheet, pillow and blanket cover, but that was not provided though i informed them several times. As an international traveller that was the most bad experiences for me.
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Data del soggiorno: novembre 2023
Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
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I stayed in Hotel Sonar Gaon,Agartala and I would like to share the genuine feedback of this hotel. Room Part: I have stayed with my family for two nights. I've taken one room with triple occupancy (without extra bed) and a single room. We have been given room no.506 and 507 and they've charged 4k per night with the breakfast. During checkin I told the reception guy to change the bedsheet as it was very dirty and they've changed it. At night,I have requested the reception team to provide the ac remote because the room was very suffocated and none of the fan was working except room no.506 which has one small fan(not sufficient for three persons) and to provide an extra pillow. The reception guy(who was there late at night replied that we don't provide any extra pillow and why you need the ac remote in this season? I was surprised and told the staff that I've paid for the ac rooms and this is their sole responsibility to provide the amenities, and lastly their reply was our manager has locked the drawer and we can't provide the remote. I couldn't sleep because of no ac and fan in room no.507 and the mosquitoes were biting. Next day I have requested for complimentary water bottles but they have refused because according to their policy, they only provide the complimentary water at the time of check-in as a welcome drink which sounds very funny. The washroom of 507 has an interesting thing. The window has no privacy as one of the glass is broken and the management has no time to look into it and fix it. The people can easily see and enjoy the scene of taking shower, the exhaust fan is just for the show which was never worked.
Room Service: While checkin I have ordered for aloo parantha and honestly it was one of the best thing I've ever had. With this impression I thought to make a plan of having drink. I took management's permission and bought a drink from outside, they've provided me the whiskey glass. Since the hotel has a policy of "Outside foods are not allowed", I thought of ordering the foods from room service. At first I've ordered crispy chili baby corn and chicken drum stick. Both the item was not fresh and having some faul smell. I called the boy and complained about it and also asked him to taste it just for the confirmation whether I am right or wrong. He checked and replaced it with a sauteed mushroom. But again the mushroom was prepared salty and full of ajinomoto(which is not legal in any hotel and restaurant). Lastly I have surrendered myself and asked them to clear the plates. Next day breakfast was served cold.
Just a small suggestion to the upper level management to please to check the operations. The hotel industry is growing day by day and its going to be a competitive business. Please look into the service to sustain. If you're charging the higher amount,please provide a good service as well so that we customer can have a comfortable stay atleast.
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Data del soggiorno: gennaio 2023Tipo di viaggio: Hai viaggiato con la famiglia
Consiglio sulle camere:1) Kindly check the rooms before you checkin including the ac and fans.
2) Watch the food you...
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OYO 43274 Hotel Sonar Gaon
IndiaTripuraWest Tripura DistrictAgartala
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