Leuchtturm Flugge
Leuchtturm Flugge
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69 recensioni
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Max M
1 contributo
set 2024 • Solo
Unfortunately, the rise was not possible due to weather conditions. I guess it was a little naive. How I would be informed on my request that the rise is not possible I found rugged and unfriendly. You can also convey such a thing in a friendly way, I felt like an idiot.Cake or coffee was then logically not available that day either. All in all a beautiful area, only conversation and diplomacy towards tourists may be practiced and developed.
Scritta in data 4 settembre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Rikke O
Holbaek, Danimarca5 contributi
ago 2024 • Coppie
Small place but really cozy. Mega beautiful butterflies that you can just sit on a bench and enjoy. So good. And out in the store there are many nice things to be inspired by
Scritta in data 10 agosto 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
23 contributi
lug 2024 • Famiglia
We were there with our children on a sunny day in the evening just before closing. From the parking lot it is a good 1.5 km walk. Many visitors were there by bike or rented pedal cars at the parking lot to avoid running. On the way there is almost no shade in sunny weather. Parking fee 3€.
The lighthouse was busy. It has play facilities for children and a kiosk with ice cream, cake and drinks. Prices were reasonable. The lighthouse itself was quickly climbed. We paid a total of 8€. Apart from beautiful views of the surroundings, there is not much to see. The actual room of lighting is not allowed.
The lighthouse was busy. It has play facilities for children and a kiosk with ice cream, cake and drinks. Prices were reasonable. The lighthouse itself was quickly climbed. We paid a total of 8€. Apart from beautiful views of the surroundings, there is not much to see. The actual room of lighting is not allowed.
Scritta in data 24 luglio 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
1 contributo
ott 2023 • Coppie
The unfriendliness towards non-islanders is hard to beat! My husband and I were not familiar with the parking options, so we stopped next to the tower to look for a parking space nearby. After about half a minute, a very unpleasant lady came up to us and said to my husband: "Don't you have any eyes in your head?? You're not an islander, you're not allowed to park here!" We didn't even have time to explain our plan to her! We were so disappointed that we drove back and looked at another attraction where we were treated much better.
Scritta in data 29 ottobre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Heike S
4 contributi
ago 2023 • Solo
Well, I was looking forward to the view. I cycled there from Wulfen... beautiful tour, great view of the Fehmarn Bridge and the Baltic Sea... when I arrived, mind you, the bike computer only showed the route, not the time... I read that it was open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I opened the locked gate and was immediately greeted in an unfriendly manner! It only opens from 10 a.m. and it was only 10 to 10 and 10. The gate was therefore still closed and I should go out and wait outside. I stood there speechless.
I said that I didn't have the time and that's why I went in...
Convinced by the "friendliness" I went back outside. I decided against visiting the lighthouse. I opened the gate.
5 people came through the gate. They were also told that there was still time and that they should wait outside. Undeterred, they continued on their way to the lighthouse...
I opened the locked gate and was immediately greeted in an unfriendly manner! It only opens from 10 a.m. and it was only 10 to 10 and 10. The gate was therefore still closed and I should go out and wait outside. I stood there speechless.
I said that I didn't have the time and that's why I went in...
Convinced by the "friendliness" I went back outside. I decided against visiting the lighthouse. I opened the gate.
5 people came through the gate. They were also told that there was still time and that they should wait outside. Undeterred, they continued on their way to the lighthouse...
Scritta in data 6 agosto 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Heike L
Reutlingen, Germania25 contributi
ago 2022 • Famiglia
Sehr schönes Ziel für eine Fahrradtour, gemütlicher Garten mit Sitzgelegenheiten, Ort der Ruhe. Eintritt für das Leuchtfeuer waren bei uns 3 Euro.
Scritta in data 19 agosto 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Brilon, Germania490 contributi
lug 2022 • Coppie
Mit dem Fahrrad gut und schnell zu erreichen, ansonsten wären es 1,5km Fußmarsch. Aber man kann sich auch kleine Trittautos, direkt nachdem Parkplatz, ausleihen.
Für einen kleinen Fotostopp lohnenswert, aber unbedingt hinfahren würde ich jetzt nicht.
Für einen kleinen Fotostopp lohnenswert, aber unbedingt hinfahren würde ich jetzt nicht.
Scritta in data 1 luglio 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Lisa Brüggen
Seesen, Germania57 contributi
giu 2022 • Coppie
Vom Parkplatz aus sind es 30 min zu Fuß dorthin, man kann sich jedoch ein Go Kart für 15€ (2-4 Personen) leihen und auch hoch fahren. Der Ausblick war einfach super. Strand war auch direkt in der Nähe. Um hochzukommen musste man 3€ bezahlen pro Person (Erwachsener) bei Kindern waren es glaube ich 1€. Dort gibt es Kaffe und Kuchen sowie Softgetränke.
Scritta in data 6 giugno 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
8 contributi
set 2021 • Amici
Wunderschöner Leuchtturm, der besichtigt werden kann. Der Leuchtturm kann nicht direkt mit dem PKW angesteuert werden. Ein kleiner kostenpflichtiger Parkplatz liegt etwas weiter entfernt. Aber hier läuft man ca. 20 Minuten zu Fuß. Ein ansässiger Künstler bietet Rikschafahrten zum Leuchtturm an. Wir waren 2021 unter Corona-Einschränkungen dort, die Besichtigung des Leuchtturms war halbstündlich unter Voranmeldung möglich. Kosten: 3 Euro pro Erwachsenem, Tickets am Imbissstand erhältlich. Der Leuchtturm ist gut besucht, bitte etwas Zeit mitbringen! Der Ausblick über die Insel ist super! Wer auf seine Einlasszeit warten muss, kann in wenigen Minuten den Strand erreichen und erkunden.
Scritta in data 27 maggio 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Costanza, Germania40 contributi
mag 2022 • Famiglia
Ein wunderschöner Ort, den man entschleunigt zu Fuß oder Fahrrad erreichen kann. Der Platz ringsum ist für Familien schön gestaltet, mit vielen Sitzplätzen. Auch schön ist dass es ein Cafe vor Ort gibt, mit freundlichen Mitarbeitern und Preisen die dem Rest der Insel entsprechen. Der Ausblick vom Turm ist fantastisch!
Danach kann man mit ein paar Schritten direkt zum Strand laufen.
Wer den Parkplatz oberhalb nutzen möchte, braucht 3 Euro passend oder man parkt in Orth und läuft über den Deich rüber.
Für Liebhaber von Leuchttürmen und grandiosen Aussichten lohnt es sich auf alle Fälle!
Danach kann man mit ein paar Schritten direkt zum Strand laufen.
Wer den Parkplatz oberhalb nutzen möchte, braucht 3 Euro passend oder man parkt in Orth und läuft über den Deich rüber.
Für Liebhaber von Leuchttürmen und grandiosen Aussichten lohnt es sich auf alle Fälle!
Scritta in data 22 maggio 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
1-1 di 1 risultati mostrati
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