Chugach State Park
Chugach State Park
0.00 - 23.59
0.00 - 23.59
0.00 - 23.59
0.00 - 23.59
0.00 - 23.59
0.00 - 23.59
0.00 - 23.59
0.00 - 23.59
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604 recensioni
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Colleferro, Italia81 contributi
ago 2019
C'è solo una parola : stupendo. Panorami sconfinati, animali per strada ed in mare. Possibilità di percorsi a piedi per le strade.
Scritta in data 2 ottobre 2019
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Alessandro R
Varese, Italia3.257 contributi
giu 2016 • Coppie
Scendendo verso Whittier, Seward, Homer ecc, vi imbatterete in un percorso dal panorame unico: il Cook Inlet.
Soste per fare foto e vedere la marea sono obbligate!
Soste per fare foto e vedere la marea sono obbligate!
Scritta in data 28 giugno 2016
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Bergamo, Italia121.155 contributi
mag 2014 • Solo
Il Cook Inlet si insinua per circa trecento chilometri dal golfo dell’Alaska fino ad Anchorage ed oltre. Bello quasi quanto il Prince William Sound anche per le sue maree. Spettacolare quando sorvolandolo si scende all’aeroporto da ovest seguendo la costa e poi il braccio di mare.
Scritta in data 30 gennaio 2015
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Julian, PA1 contributo
lug 2024 • Coppie
Anchorage era la nostra base di casa al nostro arrivo in Alaska. Ci sono un sacco di cose da fare lì. Abbiamo guidato al ghiacciaio Matanuska per fare escursioni su di esso. Escursione fantastica. Guida era super informato e ha reso un'escursione interessante.
Contenuto tradotto automaticamente
Scritta in data 20 luglio 2024
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Laurie K
13 contributi
ago 2023 • Coppie
Pescato per halibut nel Cook Inlet. Esperienza fantastica e la vista nell'insenatura è spettacolare! Abbiamo avuto una giornata limpida e abbiamo potuto vedere 4 vulcani attivi! In grado di vedere anche molte lontre che si nutrivano nei letti di alghe.
Scritta in data 6 agosto 2023
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Cynthia P
3 contributi
ago 2022
Bellissime foto al tramonto. L'ho visto anche dal viaggio in treno. Grande esperienza. Consiglio il treno per Seward.
Scritta in data 3 agosto 2022
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Joplin, MO629 contributi
giu 2022
Assicurati di approfittare di tutti i pull out per fermarti e vedere le splendide viste sulle montagne e sull'insenatura. Beluga Point è particolarmente carino. Cerca anche le pecore Dall lungo le scogliere rocciose. Prenditi il tuo tempo e divertiti - l'abbiamo fatto.
Scritta in data 25 giugno 2022
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Colorado1.893 contributi
mag 2021
Questa è solo una bellissima zona, puoi vedere la fauna selvatica ed è molto tranquilla! Un must nel tuo viaggio in AK!
Scritta in data 20 dicembre 2021
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Stati Uniti777 contributi
set 2021
Cook Inlet è un bellissimo viaggio in auto ad Anchorage. È la porta del nord e del sud. Offre viste sulla montagna in lontananza.
Scritta in data 27 settembre 2021
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Kathy K
58 contributi
set 2021
È un vero piacere guidare lungo l'insenatura soprattutto in una giornata di sole. Preparati alle fermate dei lavori, almeno c'è uno splendido scenario da guardare.
Scritta in data 26 settembre 2021
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
How do I get there using public transportation?
Scritta in data 28 marzo 2017
There are four people interested. Would it be cheaper to hire a car for the afternoon and do a tour ourselves?
Scritta in data 5 febbraio 2017
IMHO there's NOTHING like having a knowledgeable guide for any strange area! As a former fishing guide I can say that anyone who fished with me was 99% more likely to catch fish than someone who had never been there and didn't know what/how/where to fish; as a traveler I will say there's nothing like getting lost 'in the middle of an island' (Hawaii, 1978) because you just don't know what is where. Suffice to say - I hire a guide if fishing where or for what I've never fished, and hire a guide/host to 'see the sights' if I've never been there before.
And as the host to dozens of folks who have come to visit I know they wouldn't/couldn't get a part of the information, history, 'local flavor,' or experience without my input.
As inferred by my posting on the Cook Inlet (and many other Alaskan places and things), and my total thrill of sharing this incredible country with others, I've spent hours mixing and mingling with tourists pointing out and describing things they never would have seen or understood.
The best written description pales by comparison to the most rudimentary exchange with 'a guide.'
Now, for your focus on 'cheaper...' Is it 'cheaper' to come all the way to Alaska and not get the full experience? Again, IMHO, it's foolhardy to spend thousands of dollars to not see what it really there. Just seeing the Boretide, which occurs at a specific time during the tide, is worth it - missing it by even a few minutes is worse than 'the one that got away,' and failing to look up on the cliffs and see the sheep/goats as you drive by is shameful. "You shoulda been here..." is not what you want to hear.
Scritta in data 18 febbraio 2017
I think they could both be considered to be on the Cook Inlet, but different parts. in Anchorage, you have views of it driving around, and at parks like Kincaid park and Earthquake Park. Driving South on the Seward Highway has great views. The road gets away from the water further down, but if you turn towards Homer, you get back to the water eventually. we saw a lot of American Bald Eagles at Archer Point and Ninilchik.
Scritta in data 15 giugno 2017
Cook Inlet actually spans from Homer and Kachemak Bay, on the south, at the interface of the Gulf of Alaska, to about 15 miles north of Anchorage as Knik Arm, and east of Anchorage as Turnagain Arm (where the famous 'bore tides' run). Both 'Arms' and the near vicinity of Anchorage are known generically as Upper Cook Inlet.
Of the two, Turnagain is more 'famous,' and 'visible,' as the Seward Highway (and the Alaska Railroad tracks) parallels it all the way; Knik Arm is not visible from the Glenn Highway as JBER (the joint Army/Air Force base) is between 'the Glenn' and the Arm for part of the distance and Native and some private land separates 'the Glenn' from that Arm for most of its distance.
Scritta in data 11 gennaio 2017
We are planning Alaska trip for Aug. 2017- decided against cruise and think we want to plan on our own- be more active! Your posts on Cook Inlet great and inspiring. Tips? Advice? Priorities are Denali, Anchorage and Homer/bears.
Scritta in data 27 agosto 2016
Be ready for beautiful scenery! Book your rental car early-all agencies will sell out. If we had the time we would have gone further and driven to Seward and done a boat excursion there also. Take your time along Turnagain Arm, check for when the Bore Tide is-it's interesting but only on the right days (it would be around 4-5pm). Give yourself plenty of time up around Denali-pre-book the bus into the park. It will be a long day, but worth it to see all of the animals, and you WILL! Pack a lunch and water to take with you into the park, there isn't any food for sale once you get going. We loved Prospector's pizza and 229 Parks for dinners. As you drive up to Denali definitely stop at the south and the north viewing stops on the way to see If you can see Denali's peaks. Also take time to drive into Talkeetna-eat lunch there and stop to watch the salmon fishermen along the creeks. We did a white water rafting trip up at Denali as well-fun but VERY cold. Worth it if you like adventure-but wear two pairs of wool socks! You will stay dry completely, but that water is frigid! Also if you're interested in Iditarod racing and seeing the dogs/holding puppies, check out the Husky Homestead-also near Denali. This is just a two hour morning excursion that we really enjoyed. There's plenty to do up around Denali and we were glad we took several days on our own up around there. I've heard you can hire people around Talkeetna to take you salmon fishing if you're interested. Have a wonderful trip!
Scritta in data 28 agosto 2016
The tour that is offered- who runs it so I can ask questions?
Scritta in data 19 febbraio 2016
I think renting a car and going is the best tour. My two suggestions:
1 - buy the rental insurance - it covers glass and we spit a lot of stones on our highways
2 - get the updated Milepost book - you can find it at B&N, bring your own or find it in most tourist shops - it offers an excellent map with a great deal of cultural and historical information thrown in - you can make your own tour with that book
Scritta in data 21 febbraio 2016
Is there public transportation to get here?
Otherwise, which tour company comes here?
Scritta in data 24 novembre 2015
Actually, there is a bus to Homer - I believe once a day. Google the Homer Stage Line.
Scritta in data 18 dicembre 2016
Hi Bill..where exactly is the platform?
Scritta in data 12 maggio 2015
Good morning Its not a platform. I believe its called Beluga Point pull off on the Seward Highway or #1,near Chugach State Park
Scritta in data 13 maggio 2015
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