Ancienne Eglise de Saint-Pierre de l'Île d'Orléans
Ancienne Eglise de Saint-Pierre de l'Île d'Orléans
Ancienne Eglise de Saint-Pierre de l'Île d'Orléans
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13 recensioni
Molto buono
Nella media
Priscilla K
Gulfport, FL4 contributi
lug 2023 • Coppie
This is a wonderfully historic church that has been lovingly maintained. I have ancestors that are buried in the cemetery, but the graves are so old (1700s) that their markers are no longer there. They apparently used wood grave markers. DO visit the gift shop that has all manner of hand made items, knitted socks, soaps, ceramics, etc.. all hand made by elderly church ladies.. better than any QC boutique!
Scritta in data 16 luglio 2023
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Vitry-le-Francois, Francia893 contributi
set 2022
Une très belle église restée dans son jus avec son chauffage si particulier au milieu comme suspendu au ciel. De la couleur, des boxes individuels et un instant de repos et de piété. A voir absolument lors du tour de l'Ile
Scritta in data 6 ottobre 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Michael K
San Jose, CA1.139 contributi
set 2019
This is a simple church both inside and outside. The unusual thing is that each pew has a door. There is also a metal pipe that looks like a stove sticking out in the middle of the church. The sign at the altar indicates that the church was in use between 1680 and 1717. That makes the church almost 340 years old.
Scritta in data 18 ottobre 2019
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Pelham, NY294 contributi
ago 2019
While driving around Ile d'Orleans came upon this church, supposedly the oldest in the province of Quebec. Very simple exterior, beautifully maintained interior but not overly ornate. Free admission, there is a small gift shop in the back where I purchased a great book on the Ile d.Orleans. Very glad we stopped, well worth viewing the interior, just stunning in its simplicity.
Scritta in data 18 agosto 2019
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Prescott, AZ441 contributi
ott 2018
I love churches of all sizes from the grand to the tiny one room. they all have a elegance to them. You do not have to be religious to appreciate the beauty in any church.
Scritta in data 22 dicembre 2018
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Montreal, Canada135 contributi
ott 2018
This is a hidden gem to visit. Not spectacular, definitely not the biggest but it has an intriguing story. The benches are closed with a door because the priest at the en of the 19th century noticed that parishioners would not pray kneeling for very long and was told by some that it was too cold because of a draft along the floor. So he closed the benches with a door and put warm bricks at the foot of each bench so it would be warmer. Then he also added central heating with 2 wood stoves and from then on parishioners would pray for a long time... almost too long as mass would extend considerably: nobody wanted to leave the church in winter!! This is a must to visit to put yourself in the shoes of people living at ile d'Orléans during a few centuries.
Scritta in data 13 ottobre 2018
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Québec (città), Canada14 contributi
lug 2018 • Amici
Quelle déception. Nous avions entendus dire que cette église avait quelque chose de spécial et y étions entrées dans le but de la contempler et surtout pour nous y recueillir.
A notre arrivée, les vendeuses de la boutique située derrière l' Église avaient envahi littéralement le coeur pour y tenir leur réunion et faire leurs comptes, et ce , en bavardant bruyamment se soucier de la présence des visiteurs. J' avais emmené des visiteurs étrangers à L' Église st Pierre. L' expérience leur a laissé un goût amer et à moi aussi. Svp mesdames de la Boutique d Artisanat, les lieux de culte ne sont pas des endroits pour y tenir vos réunions... Pensez y la prochaine fois.
A notre arrivée, les vendeuses de la boutique située derrière l' Église avaient envahi littéralement le coeur pour y tenir leur réunion et faire leurs comptes, et ce , en bavardant bruyamment se soucier de la présence des visiteurs. J' avais emmené des visiteurs étrangers à L' Église st Pierre. L' expérience leur a laissé un goût amer et à moi aussi. Svp mesdames de la Boutique d Artisanat, les lieux de culte ne sont pas des endroits pour y tenir vos réunions... Pensez y la prochaine fois.
Scritta in data 8 settembre 2018
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
George C
Northfield, MN126 contributi
lug 2017 • Coppie
We visited many churches in Quebec and most have highly ornate interiors -all beautiful - but St Pierre has a more simple interior - likely due to the age when it was constructed. There is a charming gift shop adjacent to the church with many handmade items.
Scritta in data 18 agosto 2017
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Blainville, Canada197 contributi
ago 2017
Tres belle eglise à voir absolument
Quel histoire historique cette petite eglise!!!!!
Intérieur et exterieur de toute beauté
Quel histoire historique cette petite eglise!!!!!
Intérieur et exterieur de toute beauté
Scritta in data 11 agosto 2017
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Toronto, Canada488 contributi
set 2016 • Coppie
This adorable old church is probably one of the oldest built in North America. An ingenious heating system, closed benches who used to be heated by hot bricks, mostly wood structure remind us of a time where winter were harsher and the church was really the center of the town life.
Scritta in data 6 settembre 2016
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