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Schafberg: i modi migliori per scoprire questo luogo di interesse e le attrazioni nelle vicinanze
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13 recensioni
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Desiree S
Sao Paulo, SP393 contributi
ago 2024 • Amici
We teamed up the trail to the top. Beautiful landscapes, including two lakes, were presenting along the route. I found the rise quite sharp, with an elevation of 1380 m, which, in my opinion, requires a lot of physical preparation. “Medy” difficulty assessments may put some people at risk. I would say moderate to difficult. At the end, there are some hooks and cables already fixed and even a stone staircase. That means the end looks like a climb. The top presents us with the most amazing view from an altitude of 1780m. Also on top there are some bars/restaurants and a train station that can be used for the descent.
Scritta in data 16 agosto 2024
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Věra H
Prachatice, Repubblica Ceca54 contributi
mag 2024 • Amici
Visited at the beginning of May and still in the morning, so with minimal people. We went up with the Schafbergbahn. We bought tickets online. The trip took about 30 minutes. Due to the remaining snow, we could not use the red route 04,18, E4, which we had originally chosen, for the descent. Finally, we went down route 04,20, E4 via the Schafbergalm to the village of Pucha. From there via Wolfgangweg and Wanderrouten Wolfgangsee to St. Wolfgang.
Beautiful views of the lake, the Dachstein and other peaks, flowery meadows, wild garlic plantations and much more.
Due to the time and date when we visited Schafberg, we did not stumble upon the crowds of tourists. On the contrary, we went the vast majority of the way alone.
Beautiful views of the lake, the Dachstein and other peaks, flowery meadows, wild garlic plantations and much more.
Due to the time and date when we visited Schafberg, we did not stumble upon the crowds of tourists. On the contrary, we went the vast majority of the way alone.
Scritta in data 17 maggio 2024
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268 contributi
apr 2024 • Solo
I visited Schafberg in the mourning, but it was cloudy. So I had to wait until the sky is clear enough to enjoy the view from the top of the mountai. I killed time with walking, eating and drinking. 2 hours later, the sky got clear at last.
There is cafe on the top of the mountain. But it's expensive. I recommend you have something to eat.
There is cafe on the top of the mountain. But it's expensive. I recommend you have something to eat.
Scritta in data 12 maggio 2024
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Praga, Repubblica Ceca284 contributi
lug 2022
Vyjeli jsme zubačkou do horní stanice Schafbergspitze, jízda trvá okolo 30 minut. Lístky jsme kupovali až u lanovky. Rodinnou jízdenku ani jízdenku se Sommercard nelze koupit online. Dle jízdního řádu u pokladny byly přidané jízdy navíc oproti jízdnímu řadu na internetu. Jeli jsme v 9:15h. Zpět jsme chtěli z prostřední stanice Schafbergalm, žádný čas na jízdu zpět nebylo třeba udávat. Zubačka má vyhrazenou malou část pro cestující, kteří nastupují v prostřední stanici. Na vrcholu jsme se pokochali výhledy, fotili a dali si pití v Himmelsfortenhütte. Okolo 11:15 jsme vyrazili na okruh kolem jezer, začátek je u průchodu Himmelsforte, mapku přikládám. Na začátku malý kousek s lanem, pak větší část cesty po pěšině, druhý usek (otočený k Wolfgangsee) částečně po skále zajištěné lanem. Šli jsme s dětmi 14 a 17 let. Nebylo pro nás výrazně náročnější fyzicky, spíš dávat pozor na úzké cestě, kde už lano nebylo. A radši plánujte, když nebude přes 30°C ať se na skále neupečete. Asi není pro někoho, kdo nemá rád výšky. Po cestě jedna jeskyně a cesta okolo zubačky a kamzíků. Okruh necelých 7 km, dle je to na necelých 5 h. Ušli jsme za 4h15min s pauzou na oběd z vlastních zásob a častým focením. Restaurace Schafbergalm byla zavřená. Dole v St. Wolfgang jsme hledali místo na koupaní. Bohužel pláže pod zubačkou asi jen soukromé. Na krátké vykoupání jsme využili nakonec místo u přívozu. Další možnost koupání (zdarma) nám byla doporučena až za městem u kempu Seecamping Appesbach.
Scritta in data 11 agosto 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Anvers356 contributi
lug 2022
The trip to the Schafberg is a must do if you are in Salzkammergut. We went at peek time in the morning on a sunny day. But capacity is managed by adding trains to the planned schedule, and two full trains went up together. Be prepared for a drop of 10° compared to the starting point at the lake. Makse sure to also have a wind breaker with you. The trip in the train is worth the high price and the fantastic view on three lakes comes on top of it. Sitting left will give you a better view on the first part of the way up; but sittilng right has the best view on the last stretch higher up. So both sides are OK (and the reverse applies on the way down). If you do not take a consumption at the hotel-café on top, 45 minutes is sufficient to walk around and enjoy the view.
Scritta in data 16 luglio 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Gutersloh, Germania4.138 contributi
set 2020 • Coppie
Es ist wunderbar mit der schon historischen Schafbergbahn....manchmal auch unter Dampf....auf den Berg hinauf zu fahren.Dort oben angekommen hat man einen herrlichen Blick auf die Berge und den Seen der Umgebung. Eine Gastronomie ist vorhanden und bietet allerlei Schmankerl. Auf- und Abfahrt inclusive der Zeiten kann man an der Talstation lösen. 2 Stunden auf dem Berg sollten schon eingeplant werden.....
Scritta in data 10 ottobre 2020
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Langwedel, Germania308 contributi
set 2020 • Coppie
Wir sind mit der Schafbergbahn zum Gipfel gefahren.
Dort kann man gut eine Zeit verweilen.
Am Besten plant man eine Mahlzeit oben ein, damit man noch mehr Zeit dort verbringen kann.
Direkt auf dem Gipfel gibt es ein Rundumblick auf diverse Seen in der Umgebung, die „Himmelspforte“ und ein großes Kreuz.
Durch die Himmelpforte hindurch kommt man auf einen Weg der abwärts führt. Diesen sind wir allerdings nicht gegangen.
Wir sind nach ca. 1,5 Stunden abwärts zur Bahnstation „Schafbergalm“ gekraxelt.
Wer nicht gut zu Fuß ist, sollte sich das gut überlegen. Es ist kein befestigter Weg.
Vereinzelt sind Steinplatten zu einer Treppe gelegt aber nicht auf der gesamten Strecke.
Von der unteren Station sind wir dann wieder runter gefahren.
Die Bahnen waren recht voll und nicht alle Mitfahrer haben sich richtig an die Maskenpflicht, während der Fahrt, gehalten. Es wurde aber vor Fahrtantritt vom Betreiber darauf hingewiesen.
Die Fahrt ist kein Schnäppchen aber wenn man die Betriebskosten berücksichtigt, ist der Preis schon gerechtfertigt.
Dort kann man gut eine Zeit verweilen.
Am Besten plant man eine Mahlzeit oben ein, damit man noch mehr Zeit dort verbringen kann.
Direkt auf dem Gipfel gibt es ein Rundumblick auf diverse Seen in der Umgebung, die „Himmelspforte“ und ein großes Kreuz.
Durch die Himmelpforte hindurch kommt man auf einen Weg der abwärts führt. Diesen sind wir allerdings nicht gegangen.
Wir sind nach ca. 1,5 Stunden abwärts zur Bahnstation „Schafbergalm“ gekraxelt.
Wer nicht gut zu Fuß ist, sollte sich das gut überlegen. Es ist kein befestigter Weg.
Vereinzelt sind Steinplatten zu einer Treppe gelegt aber nicht auf der gesamten Strecke.
Von der unteren Station sind wir dann wieder runter gefahren.
Die Bahnen waren recht voll und nicht alle Mitfahrer haben sich richtig an die Maskenpflicht, während der Fahrt, gehalten. Es wurde aber vor Fahrtantritt vom Betreiber darauf hingewiesen.
Die Fahrt ist kein Schnäppchen aber wenn man die Betriebskosten berücksichtigt, ist der Preis schon gerechtfertigt.
Scritta in data 5 settembre 2020
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Calne, UK10.474 contributi
ago 2020
We eventually arrived here after nearly 2 hours driving from Salzburg and were able to park the car in the last remaining parking space at the railway station. €82 later we had our tickets and after a brief stop for an ice cream we boarded the train.
The train had 2 large carriages but we were lucky enough to get two rows to ourselves. Progress was slow (it is a pretty steep mountain, 1700m at the final station) and it barely created a breeze inside on this baking hot day where we all had to wear damned sweat masks. After about half an hour we got off at the summit station. On the way up we'd seen swathes of trees, seemingly clinging to bare rock and beautiful Austrian chalets on the hillsides as well as the occasional masochistic hiker that insisted on walking up in 35 degree heat.
I expected to just take a couple of pictures and then head to the cafe but even my cycnical city head was awestruck by the sheer majesty of the lakes and mountains. All the cliches were there, azure blue lakes, jagged mountain peaks and nutters on paragliders. Every corner we took opened up a new vista so we walked for about an hour just enjoying the scenery. This was despite some hugely vertigo inducing sights and absolutely no safety precautions!
We then went into the summit cafe for an ice cream coffee for me and another puritan black coffee for Deb. We sat on the terrace enjoying the shade of the umbrella and the sugar rush from the ice cream before joining the queue for the train down the mountain.
The train had 2 large carriages but we were lucky enough to get two rows to ourselves. Progress was slow (it is a pretty steep mountain, 1700m at the final station) and it barely created a breeze inside on this baking hot day where we all had to wear damned sweat masks. After about half an hour we got off at the summit station. On the way up we'd seen swathes of trees, seemingly clinging to bare rock and beautiful Austrian chalets on the hillsides as well as the occasional masochistic hiker that insisted on walking up in 35 degree heat.
I expected to just take a couple of pictures and then head to the cafe but even my cycnical city head was awestruck by the sheer majesty of the lakes and mountains. All the cliches were there, azure blue lakes, jagged mountain peaks and nutters on paragliders. Every corner we took opened up a new vista so we walked for about an hour just enjoying the scenery. This was despite some hugely vertigo inducing sights and absolutely no safety precautions!
We then went into the summit cafe for an ice cream coffee for me and another puritan black coffee for Deb. We sat on the terrace enjoying the shade of the umbrella and the sugar rush from the ice cream before joining the queue for the train down the mountain.
Scritta in data 3 agosto 2020
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
56 contributi
lug 2020
Ein unglaublich toller Ausflug, der jeden einzelnen Euro wert ist der die nicht ganz so günstige Bahn auf den Berg kostet. Unglaublicher Ausblick!
Scritta in data 1 luglio 2020
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Rico G
Aue, Germania124 contributi
set 2019
Wer diese Region besucht, kommt nicht um einen Besuch des Schafberges drumrum. Eine Fahrt mit der Bahn auf den Berg, oder eine Wanderung, ...egal, da muss man gewesen sein. Bei schönem Wetter ergibt sich ein spektakulärer Ausblick.
Scritta in data 14 ottobre 2019
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
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