Museu del Calçat i de la Indústria
Museu del Calçat i de la Indústria
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Inca, Spagna4 contributi
gen 2024 • Famiglia
I really liked it, it is a cool museum, very well set up and fun, which also has many activities for children, such as reading or learning how to use things. It also has an audio guide to learn and find out more about things.
Scritta in data 7 gennaio 2024
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Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi313 contributi
set 2023 • Coppie
A charming small, yet very contemporary museum celebrating the leather industry heritage of Palma, located in an industrial area. It was a perfect visit for us to combine with a visit to Camper's outlet on a super hot day. The museum is nice and cool. What impressed us the most is the half-hour video in which people who used to work with the machines on display there, explained how they used to work with it. The old photographs and an area with old shoes and photographs of as worn (a wedding!) we found touching. Most explanations are provided in English as well.
As a shoe fan, I found it fantastic. On the ground floor they had a temporary exhibition when we were there, with designer vintage shoes, the permanent exhibition is on the top floor.
There is no entrance fee asked, but you give a voluntary donation. Because it's not too big, it makes it doable short or long. No museum store or café though, it's really just a local museum.
As a shoe fan, I found it fantastic. On the ground floor they had a temporary exhibition when we were there, with designer vintage shoes, the permanent exhibition is on the top floor.
There is no entrance fee asked, but you give a voluntary donation. Because it's not too big, it makes it doable short or long. No museum store or café though, it's really just a local museum.
Scritta in data 16 dicembre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Sharon S
Glasgow, UK33 contributi
ott 2023 • Coppie
What a sweet little museum with enough to see and learn about for every age. Really interesting to see examples of lots of machinery and the history of the local area. Ample parking outside too.
Scritta in data 8 ottobre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
22 contributi
ott 2023 • Coppie
Great little museum in the town of Inca. Really interesting topic which takes the visitor through the history of shoe making in Majorca
Scritta in data 8 ottobre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Santa Comba Dao, Portogallo24.485 contributi
ott 2022
As we stayed in a hotel in “Inca”, this museum was at only a few km from our hotel, so we took this advantage for visiting this museum. The Footwear and Industry Museum is a municipal museum located in the Spanish city of Inca, and who tells the story of the shoe and its auxiliary industries on the island of Mallorca, from the 13th century to the present.
The museum is located in the general dependencies pavilion of what was the Army Infantry barracks, known by the name of General Luque, built between the years 1909 and 1922 according to the project of the Mallorcan architect Francesc Roca, with final renovations by the architect of the Diputación Guillermo Reynes Font. It covers a large space made up of two rectangular floors: the lower one houses the reception, offices, a shoe-making workshop, a warehouse and a space for temporary exhibitions; and the upper one houses the entire permanent exhibition, made up of pre-industrial tools, industrial machinery, photographs, designs, a collection of shoes from former and current shoe manufacturers, fashion magazines, advertising, works of art and curiosities related to the world. of the shoe, we already had seen the shoe museum in Porto – Portugal, but this museum in Inca is well worth the visit.
The museum is located in the general dependencies pavilion of what was the Army Infantry barracks, known by the name of General Luque, built between the years 1909 and 1922 according to the project of the Mallorcan architect Francesc Roca, with final renovations by the architect of the Diputación Guillermo Reynes Font. It covers a large space made up of two rectangular floors: the lower one houses the reception, offices, a shoe-making workshop, a warehouse and a space for temporary exhibitions; and the upper one houses the entire permanent exhibition, made up of pre-industrial tools, industrial machinery, photographs, designs, a collection of shoes from former and current shoe manufacturers, fashion magazines, advertising, works of art and curiosities related to the world. of the shoe, we already had seen the shoe museum in Porto – Portugal, but this museum in Inca is well worth the visit.
Scritta in data 17 novembre 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Oxford, United Kingdom5 contributi
ago 2022 • Famiglia
Really well presented history of shoemaking in Mallorca. Brilliant layout with tools, machines and illustrations showing how used. Clear captions in English. 10 and 13 year olds both found interesting.
Scritta in data 11 agosto 2022
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Vielha, Spagna300 contributi
ago 2021
Local amplio en unos antiguos cuarteles, contenido interesantísimo, museización muy correcta y entendedora, sitio tranquilo, luminoso... no puede pedirse más.
Scritta in data 24 agosto 2021
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
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