Oasys (Mini Hollywood), Giornata nel Parco a Tema Western
Oasys (Mini Hollywood), Giornata nel Parco a Tema Western
Di Pepe Tours
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Vivi il selvaggio West senza dover lasciare la Spagna con una giornata a Oasys (precedentemente conosciuta come Mini Hollywood). Insieme a spettacoli a tema cowboy e un bellissimo paesaggio desertico, il parco dispone di piscine e persino di uno zoo. Prenotando in anticipo il tuo biglietto, avrai accesso a tutto, senza dover fare lunghe file alla biglietteria insieme al trasporto di andata e ritorno per il parco.
Garanzia prezzo più bassoCancellazione gratuita
Età 0-99, max 55 persone per gruppo
Durata: 24 ore
Orario di inizio: controlla la disponibilità
Biglietto elettronico
Rispetta le linee guida per il benessere animale
Guida dal vivo: Inglese, Spagnolo
Punti di forza
- Vivi il selvaggio West con una giornata a Oasys
- Guarda spettacoli dal vivo, osserva gli animali dello zoo e immergiti nelle piscine
- Risparmia tempo con l'accesso salta fila
- I trasferimenti dall'hotel da Roquetas de Mar e Aguadulce sono inclusi
- Garanzia di saltare le lunghe file
- Commento dal vivo a bordo
- Prelievo e rientro in hotel (solo Roquetas de Mar e Aguadulce)
- Veicolo con aria condizionata
- Visita a guida autonoma nel parco a tema
- Ingresso: MiniHollywood Oasys
- Garanzia saltafila
Cosa non include- Cibo e bevande
- Qualsiasi altro servizio non indicato come "incluso"
- Visita guidata a Mini Hollywood
- Partenza:Sono disponibili vari luoghi di prelievo.Dettagli sul prelievo
- Pick-up: - Almerimar (hotel indicati) - Roquetas de Mar (hotel indicati) - Aguadulce (Centro commerciale Viapark) - Almeria - di fronte al Ballesol Residence (Rotonda Belen Street angolo con Morato Street) Si prega di contattare Pepe Tours per verificare il punto di prelievo e l'orario di partenza.
Prelievo dall'hotel disponibileAl momento del pagamento sarà possibile selezionare un'opzione dall'elenco degli hotel inclusi.Altre opzioni di prelievoAl momento del pagamento sarà possibile selezionare un'opzione dall'elenco dei punti di prelievo inclusi.- Restaurante Cantón, Edifício Bajamar, Av. Mediterráneo, 1E, 04740 Roquetas de Mar, Almería, Spain
- Parque comercial Viapark, Av. el Parador, s/n, 04721, Almería, Spain
- Grupo Ballesol, C. Morato, s/n, 04008 Almería, Spain
- bp, Carr. de San José, Km 0, 04151 Almería, Spain
Arrivo:Questa attività termina nel punto di incontro. - Accessibile in sedia a rotelle
- Accessibile ai passeggini
- Vicino ai trasporti pubblici
- I neonati devono sedere in braccio a un adulto
- Superfici accessibili in sedia a rotelle
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- I bambini devono essere accompagnati da un adulto
- Potrebbe essere gestito da una guida multilingue
- Partecipazione consentita alla maggior parte dei viaggiatori
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- Questo tour/questa attività non ammette più di 55 viaggiatori
- Per ottenere un rimborso completo, cancella la prenotazione almeno 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'attività.
- Se hai domande sul tour o hai bisogno di aiuto per effettuare la prenotazione, siamo lieti di aiutarti. Basta chiamare il numero qui sotto e indicare il codice prodotto: 13871P3
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80,00 €
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- Elisa M0 contributiBellissima giornataUna bellissima escursione di una giornata con una guida fantastica... nonostante il brutto tempo e quindi niente sosta in spiaggia è riuscito a cambiare in corsa l'itinerario e tutto è andato perfettamente bene! Super consigliato.Scritta in data 12 settembre 2019
- Carlotta F0 contributiOttima esperienza!Ci siamo trovati un po' per caso con la pepe tour..ma per noi è stata davvero una bella fortuna! Due giorni di escursione a Cabo de gata e Granada. La prima con l'autista Christian sempre gentile e ben informato, ci ha fatto passare davvero una piacevole giornata. La seconda con Guglielmo che ha avuto la pazienza, dato che lui parlava in inglese, di permettere ad un nostro amico dì tradurre ogni volta in italiano. I prezzi sono interessanti...vale la pena farci un salto! GrazieScritta in data 12 ottobre 2016
- mikep19700 contributiCabo de Gada + Grenada, ok !!Abbiamo fatto due escursioni con PEPE TOURS, la prima a Cabo de Gada con l'ottimo autista-guida Christian e la seconda con Guillermo a Grenada. Entrambi hard-workers, si danno da fare molto e sono professionali. Entrambe le escursioni sono state soddisfacenti, complete le informazioni storiche e geografiche ed i ragguagli politici-economici sui posti visitati. Puntuali e precisi nell'organizzazione, si vede che sono tours che fanno in continuazione e che sono "collaudati". Sono "day tours" quindi la gestione del tempo è importante altrimenti si rischia di non vedere molto. L'unica cosa negativa è stata l'impossibilità di visitare l'ALHAMBRA perché non c'era posto... Per quella serviva la prenotazione on line... Peccato !!! Come alternativa all'alhambra mancata Ci hanno portato a visitare il quartiere di Albaicin, il nucleo originario di Grenada. Ci toccherà tornare...Scritta in data 11 ottobre 2016
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60 recensioni
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4 contributi
set 2024 • Amici
If you are a lover of spaghetti westerns and Sergio leone movies this attraction is a must. Adjacent animal park is also nice
Scritta in data 22 settembre 2024
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Sara A
5 contributi
Poor animal welfare. Won't be going back. All in all, an expensive day out leaving me feeling guilty
It's such a shame, it clearly was something special at one point.
€5 to park, I have no idea why - it's in the middle of nowhere, it's not like you can park there and nip somewhere else!
The cowboy show was ok-ish, I think I figured out the storyline.. the restaurants were only open a very limited time, which led to long queues, same for the can can - so didn't bother with each because it meant standing out in the sun with 2 young kids.
What really let it down was the zoo.
I saw 3 exhibits with cracked glass.
Plenty of empty enclosures
The enclosures are really really small.
Animals were displaying repetitive behaviour. A meerkat kept pacing the same 1m patch up and down. A a leopard circled the enclosure round and round- in 30 seconds it's lap was complete. The bear looked bored to death. I could go on.
It's celebrating 50 years being open, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was exactly the same now as it was then. It certainly felt run down.
I won't be going back, and feel guilty going in the 1st place, there's not much in the way of animal welfare
€5 to park, I have no idea why - it's in the middle of nowhere, it's not like you can park there and nip somewhere else!
The cowboy show was ok-ish, I think I figured out the storyline.. the restaurants were only open a very limited time, which led to long queues, same for the can can - so didn't bother with each because it meant standing out in the sun with 2 young kids.
What really let it down was the zoo.
I saw 3 exhibits with cracked glass.
Plenty of empty enclosures
The enclosures are really really small.
Animals were displaying repetitive behaviour. A meerkat kept pacing the same 1m patch up and down. A a leopard circled the enclosure round and round- in 30 seconds it's lap was complete. The bear looked bored to death. I could go on.
It's celebrating 50 years being open, and it wouldn't surprise me if it was exactly the same now as it was then. It certainly felt run down.
I won't be going back, and feel guilty going in the 1st place, there's not much in the way of animal welfare
Scritta in data 30 agosto 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Maidstone, UK13 contributi
lug 2024 • Famiglia
My girlfriend and I visited Mini Hollywood Oasis in July 2024 with our kids for a fun day out.
We'd not been to a tourist attraction like this before but had heard good things from other people.
Mini Hollywood Oasis is essentially comprised of 3 main elements - The Wild West Town, a zoo and a pool area which we didn't visit.
The Wild West Town was really well presented and gave you an insight into what life must have been like during those times. It was really interesting to see a number of staged rooms and we really enjoyed the 2 shows on offer.
The first was a sheriff / outlaw jailbreak stunt show with people fighting, falling from balconies, horse riding and of course shootouts. The second show was a Cancan exhibition held in the town's saloon where you could also get a drink.
A buffet lunch and drink was also included in our upgraded ticket which was very tasty.
The zoo itself was more disappointing and it felt a bit run down - There were lots of birds but not many interesting animals to look at.
It was a very, very hot day when we went so make sure you take lots of sunscreen and water.
We spent around 5-6 hours here and enjoyed the day, but did feel that more could be done to enhance the experience, especially around the Wild West town. Additional shows could easily be integrated and more staff characters acting in the town throughout the day, bringing things to life would make it really fun.
We'd not been to a tourist attraction like this before but had heard good things from other people.
Mini Hollywood Oasis is essentially comprised of 3 main elements - The Wild West Town, a zoo and a pool area which we didn't visit.
The Wild West Town was really well presented and gave you an insight into what life must have been like during those times. It was really interesting to see a number of staged rooms and we really enjoyed the 2 shows on offer.
The first was a sheriff / outlaw jailbreak stunt show with people fighting, falling from balconies, horse riding and of course shootouts. The second show was a Cancan exhibition held in the town's saloon where you could also get a drink.
A buffet lunch and drink was also included in our upgraded ticket which was very tasty.
The zoo itself was more disappointing and it felt a bit run down - There were lots of birds but not many interesting animals to look at.
It was a very, very hot day when we went so make sure you take lots of sunscreen and water.
We spent around 5-6 hours here and enjoyed the day, but did feel that more could be done to enhance the experience, especially around the Wild West town. Additional shows could easily be integrated and more staff characters acting in the town throughout the day, bringing things to life would make it really fun.
Scritta in data 24 luglio 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
5 contributi
apr 2024 • Solo
Exceptional walk. Teo is a great guide who speaks French very well and who manages to communicate his love of horses and his region to you. Thank you
Scritta in data 12 aprile 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Michael L
1 contributo
mar 2024 • Famiglia
It was the flattest thing we have experienced to date, absolutely not recommended, there was nothing you could see, there was supposed to be a cowboy show, but it never came, only some girls tried to dance.
Scritta in data 3 marzo 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Vince s
8 contributi
dic 2023 • Coppie
A nice outing in itself.
We had a great time there.
It will probably be busier normally
Of course it is also December.
The cowboys made it a merry affair
We had a great time there.
It will probably be busier normally
Of course it is also December.
The cowboys made it a merry affair
Scritta in data 29 dicembre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Mansfield, UK8 contributi
ott 2023 • Famiglia
We had a lovely day, the scenery was unbelievable, we watched all the shows and saw all the animals, the coach travel was great, Jose gave a good commentary about the area, well worth the visit.
Scritta in data 21 ottobre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Gainsborough, UK100 contributi
The cowboy/ Western show was OK. It lasts around 20 minutes. Get to the best location to watch at least 20 minutes before it starts. As for the caged animals it's really very sad. Over here in the UK the animals get a decent area to do what they want, probably the best is the Yorkshire wildlife park, but all the other UK ones are great. It was really sad to see a beautiful tiger in such a small enclosure. Lions again in a very small enclosure, and for me personally was to see a huge bear at the bottom of an enclosure with nothing to do other than walking backwards and forwards. As for the shows here everything is Spanish with no translation to any other language. In my opinion it's a hot day out. It's not great value, and for me personally it's not great for the animals!
Scritta in data 27 settembre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
stéphanie f
Saint-Savinien, Francia62 contributi
We are from Charente-Maritime in France. We went there for the 2nd time. Place to absolutely see once in your life.
Very beautiful decor, very beautiful village, I still find that many of the Places are less passable than for our first visit. In addition, the magnificent but very hot weather, over 40°, did not help us. The shows are great, well done to the stuntmen, the horses despite the heat are strong and are treated very well which is very important. Well done to the people who take care of the horses. On the other hand, in terms of catering, it’s catastrophic. Very little choice for a free buffet for a price of 15e per person for the meal I ate for barely 5e really avoid the restaurant.
Very beautiful decor, very beautiful village, I still find that many of the Places are less passable than for our first visit. In addition, the magnificent but very hot weather, over 40°, did not help us. The shows are great, well done to the stuntmen, the horses despite the heat are strong and are treated very well which is very important. Well done to the people who take care of the horses. On the other hand, in terms of catering, it’s catastrophic. Very little choice for a free buffet for a price of 15e per person for the meal I ate for barely 5e really avoid the restaurant.
Scritta in data 22 agosto 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Saxilby, UK25 contributi
From the start we pre booked tickets the night before but forgot to add parking, €2.90, no problem as we were asked at the ticket office so then paid, but got no receipt nor did they ask for the registration number, could have had free parking under the shade. You can easily park across the road for free but that is not in the shade. Entrance is unappealling but should be ok when the work is completed. It would have been better to get more into the buildings rather than standing behind glass in doorways. The cowboy show is very amateur dramatics but the kids will like it. The can can girls have an annoying compere and they dont actually do the correct can can nor have the can can tune, which one would have expected. The saloon and dining room had air con. The buffet lunch though is very worth it with a lovely mixture of food suiting vegertarians also. The swimming pool looked okay for kids. The zoo, train ride and reptile house was very good and well worth seeing. It would have been great to have all members of staff in western outfits, all playing their part for authenticity.
Scritta in data 29 giugno 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Buongiorno vorrei sapere il costo del biglietto entrare alle 15 uscita 17.30 18 grazie
Scritta in data 16 ottobre 2018
I am not sure of the current prices sorry.
Scritta in data 7 gennaio 2019
Dublino, Irlanda
How do I get to the set from pourto del carmen lanzarote please?
Scritta in data 9 dicembre 2020
Dublino, Irlanda
How do I get from pourto del carmen lanzarote to Almeria please to then get to spaghetti Western set?
Scritta in data 9 dicembre 2020
Buenas noches,el dia7 esta abierto? .
Es porque no me deja reservar
Scritta in data 29 febbraio 2020
Jose Germano
Beja, Portogallo
Ola amigos....Meu nome é Jose Germano e sempre fui um apaixonado pelos filmes e actores do western...Tive o prazer de ver algumas fotos que os turistas colocaram aoende fiquei deslunbradamente faxinado,com certeza adoraria ir au vosso oasys ...ja agora so uma pergunta...como nao vi nas fotos vosses tem alguma lojas dentro do vosso recinto para comprar por ex: fatos completos de cowboy incluindo o coldre a pistola eo chapeu?cumprimentos:Jose Germano
Scritta in data 11 settembre 2019
Hiya we would like to fetch our little boy to the western show but hes in a wheelchair is it accessible for him . Thankyou.
Scritta in data 17 agosto 2019
We where with baby in the buggy. No problem at all. Was few adults in wheelchairs.
Hope you have a great time.
Scritta in data 17 agosto 2019
Good afternoon. We are staying in Granada in June, July. Can we just drive to the site rather than picked up? Kind regards. Kevin.
Scritta in data 18 maggio 2019
Hello, does this price include the buffet? Or just the transportation and the entrance ?
Scritta in data 22 marzo 2019
1-10 di 16 risultati mostrati
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