Isha Yoga Center - Coimbatore
Isha Yoga Center - Coimbatore
Di SITA World Tours
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Durata: 5 ore
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- Partenza:Sono disponibili vari luoghi di prelievo.
- Coimbatore, Coimbatore, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu
Dettagli sul prelievo- Possiamo prelevare viaggiatori dagli hotel del centro città / punti fissi entro i limiti della città. Nel caso in cui il ritiro sia al di fuori dei punti centrali, saranno applicati costi aggiuntivi in base alla distanza applicabile.
Prelievo dall'hotel disponibileAl momento del pagamento sarà possibile selezionare un'opzione dall'elenco degli hotel inclusi.Prelievo dall'aeroporto disponibileAl momento del pagamento sarà possibile selezionare un'opzione dall'elenco degli aeroporti inclusi.- Coimbatore Intl Airport, Coimbatore India
Arrivo:Questa attività termina nel punto di incontro. - Non accessibile in sedia a rotelle
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68,67 €
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- mariodI7165LV0 contributiOTTIMO SALUTO ALL'INDIASono tornato in questo albergo dopo moltissimi anni. Allora si chiamava " Oberoi Towers" Ora è Trident, sempre della stessa catena Oberoi. Che dire se non che è un albergo fantastico, elegante, accogliente. Personale gentilissimo, una stanza perfetta, con vista sull'oceano. Accolto all'aeroporto con elegante autista il divisa bianca, dal rappresentante dell'albergo e una bellissima e lussuosa auto. Cibo attimo, servizi ineccepibili. Ed infine, alla partenza, in attesa dell'ora per andare all'aeroporto, mi sono seduto nella lobby per un tea, il bar " The Verandah" Ho chiesto ad una deliziosa, gentilissima hostess, se si poteva comprare una scatola del loro "Oberoi blend" una speciale miscela di tea. Dopo qualche minuto questa giovane hostess, mi portato una notevole confezione di tea, con un biglietto di saluto, che naturalmente metterò tra i ricordi di questo, forse, mio ultimo viaggio in India, dopo 56 anni di frequentazione. l'India è sempre stata nel mio cuore. Grazie Riya, deliziosa fanciulla che mi hai donato il tea; la tua grazia è stato il più bel saluto che l'India mi ha riservatoScritta in data 28 novembre 2024
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26 recensioni
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Ranjini R
Bangalore, India79 contributi
nov 2024 • Coppie
The views and the structure was amazing and jaw dropping. 112 feet shiva Statue is one of the 8 wonders in terms of tallest structures and top 2 amongst Asia.
Beware of the crowds and avoid going during Purnima or deepa deewali or Kartik Deepa festival season
It was flooded with people coming from all over India for preparing for malai
Beware of the crowds and avoid going during Purnima or deepa deewali or Kartik Deepa festival season
It was flooded with people coming from all over India for preparing for malai
Scritta in data 16 novembre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Arun Alex Elengical
Sharjah, Emirati Arabi Uniti3.941 contributi
Largest bust statue in teh world of adiyogi lord shiva we went at night and just missed the light show in busy statue around 34x45 m bust stature is majestic with blue tone of light on it the crescent moon and the snake is evident on his neck Magnificant structure
Scritta in data 31 agosto 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Woglo Tours & Travels
Aluva, India22 contributi
apr 2024 • Lavoro
Best Place to see the statue in isha yoga Centre. The place where it is Located in Coimbatore. The Statue is in the shape of Siva
Scritta in data 4 giugno 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Lucienne B
Lelystad, Paesi Bassi11 contributi
Preparations for a major event were in full swing, but that did not detract from the atmosphere.
What a special place, very serene and relaxing.
We found our visit very impressive.
What a special place, very serene and relaxing.
We found our visit very impressive.
Scritta in data 21 marzo 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Bala vasan
95 contributi
Visited the centre for first time . Very crowded but loved it early morning h visit to the adi yogi , linga Bhairavi, and dhayanalingam.
We were not told that the rooms will not have bath towels. Walking bare foot and long walks can be an issue for some . Also the ox being used for rides is cruelty which should be stopped . One bull was badly hurt on his neck and running against the pole. Had to tell the staff there to look at that bull and provide him some treatment . It could be from the Ali g that they put in their neck to pull the cart . That sling is of leather kind material rather than cotton / cloth so guess that can leads to hurting b their necks
We were not told that the rooms will not have bath towels. Walking bare foot and long walks can be an issue for some . Also the ox being used for rides is cruelty which should be stopped . One bull was badly hurt on his neck and running against the pole. Had to tell the staff there to look at that bull and provide him some treatment . It could be from the Ali g that they put in their neck to pull the cart . That sling is of leather kind material rather than cotton / cloth so guess that can leads to hurting b their necks
Scritta in data 10 febbraio 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
shyloo n
Princeton Junction, NJ4 contributi
nov 2023 • Famiglia
Went with member who has mobility issues and needs to use wheelchair
Very very disappointed at the absence of wheelchair ramps
Even the Dhyanalinga has no ramp for those who have mobility issues, to perform abhishek
The bullock carts to Adi Yogi statue also do not allow wheelchairs
Are differently enabled humans not welcome at Isha?
The entrance has no signs or information
Volunteers give out contrarian confusing instructions
Wake up Isha! Get with the program
Old age wisdom dispensed generously at new age speed calls for more empathy and inclusion beyond international volunteers wearing pristine white
Sadhguru … hope this review gets to you
Very very disappointed at the absence of wheelchair ramps
Even the Dhyanalinga has no ramp for those who have mobility issues, to perform abhishek
The bullock carts to Adi Yogi statue also do not allow wheelchairs
Are differently enabled humans not welcome at Isha?
The entrance has no signs or information
Volunteers give out contrarian confusing instructions
Wake up Isha! Get with the program
Old age wisdom dispensed generously at new age speed calls for more empathy and inclusion beyond international volunteers wearing pristine white
Sadhguru … hope this review gets to you
Scritta in data 27 novembre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Ulm, Germania19 contributi
mag 2023 • Lavoro
This is a cult. A snake cult.
Many foreigners in white linen shirts and badges, not too friendly, all really feels off. The statue itself is big, to be sure. An interesting place to walk around though. If you are here make time to visit the main compound. You will see that the 'Temple of Doom' was actually a documentary.
My Indian collegue was lamenting how all of the young people here were brainwashed and wasting their lives with this nonsense.
Many foreigners in white linen shirts and badges, not too friendly, all really feels off. The statue itself is big, to be sure. An interesting place to walk around though. If you are here make time to visit the main compound. You will see that the 'Temple of Doom' was actually a documentary.
My Indian collegue was lamenting how all of the young people here were brainwashed and wasting their lives with this nonsense.
Scritta in data 4 ottobre 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Balasubramanian R
Chennai (Madras), India807 contributi
mag 2023 • Famiglia
Isha Yoga centre is one of the tourist attractions and is situated on the foot hills of western ghats in Coimbatore. Very big statue of Bhagawan Shiva is there and vast area. Bus facilities and parking facilites are available and it is free for entrance.
Scritta in data 27 luglio 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Jamshedpur, India53 contributi
Just Wow Adiyogi statue…… Amazing place you feel immense peace at this place. Senario are too beautiful and the site scenes is surrounded by hills. Feel internal energy when visited that place and to know thier internal activities which organised by young men and women & also thier volunteers. Once you enter the main area, you must view a couple of presentations and you must spend 10min doing dhyana.
Scritta in data 28 giugno 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Columbus, OH414 contributi
A must! I can’t wait to come back.
Some things are difficult to describe. They can only be felt experientially.
There is this divine energy which is only enhanced by hundreds of volunteers radiating the same energy.
We were there for about 4 hours which was good amount of time for a tourist experience.
Beautiful, serene and spiritually charged experience.
You have to turn in all belongings before entering. Only wallet size purse allowed. Ladies can’t take their purses.
If you are a foreigner carrying your passport, they may make an exception. We were able to do that.
No mobiles allowed inside. There are several good food options.
Even if it is super hot, this place is well covered with amazing breeze making it a very comfortable experience.
Adi Yogi statue is right across the street. About 10 minute walk from the street side. There is a bullock carriage available as well.
Light show at the Adi Yogi statue is one of the best experiences which is at 7 -8 pm.
NaadAradhana at the Dhyanalingam at 5:50 pm is worth experiencing.
Can’t wait to return for spending several days here.
Some things are difficult to describe. They can only be felt experientially.
There is this divine energy which is only enhanced by hundreds of volunteers radiating the same energy.
We were there for about 4 hours which was good amount of time for a tourist experience.
Beautiful, serene and spiritually charged experience.
You have to turn in all belongings before entering. Only wallet size purse allowed. Ladies can’t take their purses.
If you are a foreigner carrying your passport, they may make an exception. We were able to do that.
No mobiles allowed inside. There are several good food options.
Even if it is super hot, this place is well covered with amazing breeze making it a very comfortable experience.
Adi Yogi statue is right across the street. About 10 minute walk from the street side. There is a bullock carriage available as well.
Light show at the Adi Yogi statue is one of the best experiences which is at 7 -8 pm.
NaadAradhana at the Dhyanalingam at 5:50 pm is worth experiencing.
Can’t wait to return for spending several days here.
Scritta in data 9 giugno 2023
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Calcutta, India
accommodation & meditation for week. Is it possible?
Scritta in data 26 novembre 2021
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