Ingresso anticipato ai Musei Vaticani: Il meglio della Cappella Sistina
Ingresso anticipato ai Musei Vaticani: Il meglio della Cappella Sistina
Di Walks of Italy
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Tripadvisor attribuisce un premio Travellers' Choice agli alloggi, alle attrazioni e ai ristoranti che ottengono recensioni molto positive dai viaggiatori in modo costante e si classificano nel 10% delle migliori strutture su Tripadvisor.
Garanzia prezzo più bassoPrenota ora, paga dopoCancellazione gratuita
Età 0-99, max 15 persone per gruppo
Durata: 3 - 4 ore
Orario di inizio: controlla la disponibilità
Biglietto elettronico
Guida dal vivo: Inglese
- Salta la coda per i Musei Vaticani
- Biglietto salta fila per la Basilica di San Pietro (solo opzione AM Tour)
- Visita guidata esperta del Vaticano
- Piccoli gruppi di 15 persone o meno
- Gli ospiti possono rimanere e godersi il tempo libero dopo la fine del tour
- Ingresso: Musei Vaticani
- Ingresso: Stanze di Raffaello
- Ingresso: Cappella Sistina
- Ingresso: Basilica di San Pietro
- Garanzia saltafila
Cosa non include- Mance
- Servizio di prelievo da e verso l'hotel
- Partenza:
- Antico Caffè Candia, Via Candia, 153, 00192 Roma RM, ItalyIl punto d'incontro si trova di fronte al bar verde al centro della Piazza del Risorgimento. È l'unico bar/caffè situato sulla piazza. Il bar si trova sul lato della piazza che dà su Via Crescenzio, vicino alla fermata del tram numero 19. La stazione della metropolitana più vicina è Ottaviano.
Arrivo:- St. Peter's Basilica, Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican CityNella Basilica di San Pietro.
- Non accessibile in sedia a rotelle
- Vicino ai trasporti pubblici
Se hai domande sull'accessibilità, siamo lieti di aiutarti. Basta chiamare il numero qui sotto e indicare il codice prodotto: 15693P43- Riceverai una conferma al momento della prenotazione
- Partecipazione consentita alla maggior parte dei viaggiatori
- Il tour è in inglese.
- Questo è un tour a piedi. Gli ospiti dovrebbero essere in grado di camminare a passo moderato senza difficoltà.
- Purtroppo a causa della natura di questo tour non è adatto per gli ospiti con disabilità motorie o con sedie a rotelle, o passeggini.
- Il passaggio di accesso speciale tra la Cappella Sistina e la Basilica di San Pietro è chiuso il mercoledì ed è soggetto ad altre chiusure impreviste durante celebrazioni/feste speciali, comprese le cerimonie pasquali. In tali giornate esploreremo invece la magnifica Pinacoteca Gallery.
- Tutti gli ospiti (inclusi i bambini) devono portare un documento d'identità il giorno del tour.
- A causa della natura religiosa del Vaticano, tutti gli individui indipendentemente dal sesso devono coprirsi le spalle e le ginocchia. Walks non può essere ritenuta responsabile per coloro ai quali è negato l'ingresso.
- Nota: a partire da dicembre 2024, l'accesso alla Basilica di San Pietro potrebbe essere limitato a causa dell'Anno Giubilare Vaticano 2025, che prevede eventi e cerimonie speciali. Queste chiusure sono determinate dal Vaticano e sfuggono al nostro controllo. Grazie per la comprensione.
- Walks and Devour rispettano tutte le normative governative locali. Si prega di fare riferimento alle linee guida del governo locale per le informazioni più aggiornate.
- Tutti i partecipanti devono fornire i loro nomi completi, le date di nascita e i dettagli del passaporto / nazionalità al momento della prenotazione. Le informazioni devono corrispondere esattamente a quanto indicato sull'ID o sul passaporto. Non sono consentiti cambi di nome. Il mancato conferimento di tali informazioni comporterà la cancellazione della prenotazione.
- Questo tour/questa attività non ammette più di 15 viaggiatori
- Per ottenere un rimborso completo, cancella la prenotazione almeno 24 ore prima dell'inizio dell'attività.
- Se hai domande sul tour o hai bisogno di aiuto per effettuare la prenotazione, siamo lieti di aiutarti. Basta chiamare il numero qui sotto e indicare il codice prodotto: 15693P43
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89,00 €
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- Via Candia, 153, 00192 Roma RM, ItalyIl punto d'incontro si trova di fronte al bar verde al centro della Piazza del Risorgimento. È l'unico bar/caffè situato sulla piazza. Il bar si trova sul lato della piazza che dà su Via Crescenzio, vicino alla fermata del tram numero 19. La stazione della metropolitana più vicina è Ottaviano.
- 1Passa perCortile del BelvedereSphere within a Sphere
- 2Passa perGallery of MapsGallery of Tapestries
- 3
- 4
- Piazza San Pietro, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican CityNella Basilica di San Pietro.
Informazioni sull'operatore
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- danibianchi30 contributiMusei......bellissimi vale la pena di fare la fila e sopportare la folla di bagarini che ti importunano ogni minuto...Scritta in data 21 febbraio 2017
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Porto, Portogallo3 contributi
gen 2025 • Solo
Francesca was knowledgeable, generous and diplomatic. We saw an excellent range of art, sculptures, taperstry, paintings etc with expert advice on the work of the artist. I love to learn and understand history, beauty and art so Francesca's insider knowledge and own delight in the works really made a difference. In 3 hours ( for sistine, museums & basillica) you can only see so much when you need hours, hours and even days to appreciate the buildings and art. Fantastic tour. Wish though that the Sistine chapel was truly silent and people abided the no photo rule. It is a shame tourists don't understand the meaning of silence! It would so much add to the awe and beauty of the place as an internatural cultural experience, if experienced, in silence. Can someone tell the Vatican please 😄
Scritta in data 28 gennaio 2025
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Thank you for your thoughtful review! We're so glad you enjoyed the tour with Francesca. She truly loves sharing her knowledge and passion for art and it’s wonderful to hear her insights enhanced your experience. We agree that the Sistine Chapel is most awe-inspiring in silence and we share your hope that visitors will respect this beautiful space. Thank you again for your kind words and we hope to welcome you on another tour soon!
Scritta in data 29 gennaio 2025
Questa risposta rappresenta l'opinione personale del rappresentante della struttura e non di Tripadvisor LLC.
7 contributi
gen 2025 • Coppie
To do without moderation for your eyes. The best! It's to do it with a guide otherwise it's complicated (expectations, the wrong way... and explanations are important
Scritta in data 27 gennaio 2025
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Merci beaucoup pour votre évaluation ! Nous sommes ravis que vous ayez apprécié votre visite des Musées du Vatican et de la Chapelle Sixtine. Nos guides sont passionnés par l'histoire et l'art de ces sites incroyables, et nous sommes heureux que leurs explications enrichissent votre expérience. Merci pour votre recommandation et nous espérons vous accueillir de nouveau pour une autre visite !
À bientôt!
Scritta in data 29 gennaio 2025
Questa risposta rappresenta l'opinione personale del rappresentante della struttura e non di Tripadvisor LLC.
Chloe L
Dubai, Emirati Arabi Uniti3 contributi
dic 2024 • Coppie
Guide is knowledgeable and the tour is really informative. We learn a lot.
Skip the line and directly move to St Peter Basilica is one major plus point.
Skip the line and directly move to St Peter Basilica is one major plus point.
Scritta in data 19 dicembre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
New York City, NY14 contributi
Maria-Theresa, our guide, was extremely knowledgeable and personable and made the 4 hour tour fly by. Our small group was met promptly at 7:15 am at the meeting point (which was by a little cafe where you could grab a coffee or pastry before the tour)whisperers were distributed and then we proceeded to the Vatican to line up and wait til the opening time of 8am. Our group was 2nd in line after a private tour group of 5 individuals. Our guide efficiently used this waiting time to give us background information on the Sistine Chapel as it is a silent place and no cameras are allowed. She distributed lovely colorful descriptive handouts for us to keep. The tour began through the exterior courtyards and gardens with plenty of time for pictures and then we toured the rooms of the Vatican Museum. It is overwhelming but our guide highlighted the significant pieces, again allowing time for photographs. We had ample time in the Sistine Chapel to roam, sit, contemplate before we took the shortcut through the historical staircase, bypassing the Swiss guard into St. Peter’s Square and into the Basilica. Again, great introduction and highlights by our guide while in the Basilica. At the end of the tour we were advised to visit the crypt (free) and the dome (for a fee) is interested. We all hate getting up at the crack of dawn, but this is the way to go if you want a stress less way to tour the Vatican—no lines, great information, beat the crowds, small group tour (about 10.) Bravo to Maria-Theresa who made the morning so enjoyable and informative.
Scritta in data 21 novembre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
4 contributi
nov 2024 • Famiglia
Fabulous tour! Alessia was superb! Incredibly knowledgable and just made the 4 hours so much fun! My 18 year old son even enjoyed it especially when he got to hold Dumbo and be the tour guide for a bit! The places speak for themselves and are a must when you are in Rome but without the guide we would have been in a lot of queues and a bit lost! Totally worth the early start to be first in and totally worth the money we paid! If anything i would have liked to have had the climb to the Dome added on too as we had to wait in a queue for that after the tour and it really is worth doing! Great experience beautiful place and I promise we will think of Alessia in the heat in the summer and won't return until 2026! 🤣
Scritta in data 13 novembre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Shawnee, KS8 contributi
ott 2024 • Coppie
I am reviewing "Pristine Sistine Early Entrance Small Group Vatican Tour." Overall a worthwhile and recommended tour. However, don't be misled by the title. "Early Entrance" does not mean avoiding crushing crowds. The Vatican does not open until 8am. We were in line with hundreds who poured in (ahead of us) when the doors opened. Our female guide did a commendable job. She spoke good English but often lapsed into a rapid chatter which was difficult to follow on the head set. Walks of Italy gets credit for earmarking our early morning rendevous next to a cafe open for coffee and pastry.
Scritta in data 11 novembre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Dear Mike,
Thank you for sharing your feedback on the Early Entrance Vatican Museums Tour.
We're glad to hear that you found the tour worthwhile and enjoyed the experience overall. We truly appreciate your understanding regarding the crowds. Early entrance does save you time compared to later hours but unfortunately some days it can still be quite busy.
It’s great that you enjoyed the convenience of the early rendezvous next to the café for a coffee and pastry!
Your feedback means a lot to us, and we hope to welcome you on another tour soon.
Kind Regards,
Walks & Devours Team
Scritta in data 20 dicembre 2024
Questa risposta rappresenta l'opinione personale del rappresentante della struttura e non di Tripadvisor LLC.
Sharon B
San Diego, CA30 contributi
ott 2024 • Amici
HIGHLY recommend the early access tours for the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica tour.
It was a zoo with lines wrapping around the buildings when we left after 11am. With the tours, there is also no need to exit the grounds and re-enter by lining up and going through security for the St. Peter's cathedral. We went straight from the Sistine Chapel to the Cathedral through a private passageway.
Our tour guide was Rosana and she did a great job keeping track of everyone and walked at a comfortable pace. There was a lot of things to cover and the tour lasts about 4 hours for our group.
It was a zoo with lines wrapping around the buildings when we left after 11am. With the tours, there is also no need to exit the grounds and re-enter by lining up and going through security for the St. Peter's cathedral. We went straight from the Sistine Chapel to the Cathedral through a private passageway.
Our tour guide was Rosana and she did a great job keeping track of everyone and walked at a comfortable pace. There was a lot of things to cover and the tour lasts about 4 hours for our group.
Scritta in data 30 ottobre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
4 contributi
I wish I could remember the tour guide name but he was so knowledgeable about the art and history. This tour brought life and appreciation to works of art that can be appreciated without a tour but it added such richness and context. HUGE added bonus to get through the crowds easily because it’s busy
Scritta in data 29 ottobre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Jonathan C
1 contributo
ott 2024 • Famiglia
Excellent Tour with a Great Guide. Took 3 different Walks tours in Italy. All were great. I highly recommend tours with this company
Scritta in data 24 ottobre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Charlotte, United States6 contributi
ott 2024 • Coppie
Our 7:15AM tour was great and this was the only way to see the Vatican due to the crowds. Also notable that you meet at a coffee shop which was huge for us considering we had to leave our hotel to get to the tour before hotel started serving coffee!
Scritta in data 22 ottobre 2024
Questa recensione rappresenta l'opinione personale di un utente di Tripadvisor e non di Tripadvisor LLC. Le recensioni vengono sottoposte a verifica da Tripadvisor.
Ist es möglich zu fotografieren?
Scritta in data 31 luglio 2022
In the description, it says that this includes early access to the site, however, a few reviews mention that they had to wait until opening time at 8am - is it early access or not?
Scritta in data 18 giugno 2022
Yes, it is early access but the museum does not open until 8 am. You line up at 7:30 and wait. Our guide used to that time to give us background d I formation about the Sistine Chapel as it is a silent space where you can not use whisperers or camera. The time flew by—our group was the second on line and once the doors opened, we walked in quickly and began our tour. Note that doors to the general public open at 9:30.
Scritta in data 21 novembre 2024
I’m a diabetic and I usually travel with a small backpack with my insulin and cooling pack. I read only small handbags are allowed. Should I not bring my backpack and travel with something smaller?
Scritta in data 15 maggio 2022
We might have to dip out of the tour before the end as we need to catch a flight - is that OK with regards to security? Many thanks.
Scritta in data 28 marzo 2022
Yes - shouldn't be a problem. You will be in a small group with a guide - just let your guide know.
Scritta in data 29 marzo 2022
I read the tour starts at 7h30 with breakfast. On the site of your colleagues, we read that, because of the covid, the Museums open at 8:30 am for everyone so there is no early entrance, and unfortunately, the direct access from the Sistine Chapel to St. Peter's Basilica is closed for security reasons. The reviews that mention 7:20 am, are of other years. Can you confirm us that you really visit the sistine chapel before hours and with no other visitors.
Scritta in data 23 luglio 2021
We were there October 2021. I can't speak to the time that we had to arrive or the time the Vatican Museums opened. I can say that we were one of the first groups into the Sistine Chapel and it was only our small tour group and 1 other from the same tour company at the time. Have been before when people were standing shoulder-to-shoulder, and this most recent visit was much better.
Scritta in data 29 marzo 2022
Springfield, Pennsylvania
What time does the tour typically begin? How early should we plan to arrive to start with the group?
Scritta in data 15 gennaio 2020
I booked the tour through trip advisor / Viator and all of the directions were provided by the tour organizer. The meeting place was clear but I did check it out a day in advance because it was early and still dark the morning of our actual tour. I think it may have been around 7:30 am when we met but I could be wrong. The tour guide will help.
Scritta in data 16 gennaio 2020
Are you allowed to explore the Vatican after the tour is over? How much duration of tour is spent in the Vatican and how much time is spent in St Peter's Basilica? Are you allowed to climb on St Peter's Basilica after the tour is over in the same ticket?
Scritta in data 4 maggio 2019
The tour ended in St Peter’s and we stayed and spent more time there. We did not try to go back to the Vatican Museum after the tour ended. Yes, your ticket covers climbing up to the dome and your tour guide will point out where you do that and provide more info. Be sure to tell your guide you want to do that. Of the 4 hour tour, we estimate we were in St Peters just over an hour and the rest in the Vatican (including the Sistine Chapel). You have some time at the beginning where you are in line for the early entry (which you want to do), where your guide provides a lot of information. Our guide said an average of 30,000 people visit every day so the tour helped so much. They were very good so I suggest you email them your question about being able to return to the Vatican after the tour. I would ask if you can return to the cafeteria, gift shops and the museum, mentioning that you intend to climb the dome. You might want a break following this tour before you do more. Have fun!
Scritta in data 5 maggio 2019
Walks of Italy has many tours...the availability is on their webpage. I definitely suggest booking in advance for best time selections.
Scritta in data 8 aprile 2019
4 hours and it flew by. Wear really comfortable shoes and bring two water bottles. Lots of very clean bathrooms, but you will need water with all the walking and stairs.
Scritta in data 18 luglio 2018
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